“But it is transforming into an echo chamber of political correctness and homogenous thought, a shelter for fragile egos.”
“But it is transforming into an echo chamber of political correctness and homogenous thought, a shelter for fragile egos.”
Having already recruited John Slattery and Christina Hendricks to give his new series, The Romanoffs, that…
Only in sangria.
Young millennial Lana Del Ray fans, this is what you should be listening to (one of many):
I wouldn’t have used “rectified” in my letter in this situation.
In the song “Vertigo” Bono sings uno, dos, tres, CATORCE. Many people think he’s just counting to four but he’s actually singing 1,2,3, 14!!!! which makes no fucking sense.
It’s not the Fitzgeralds, but try Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries? 1920's Melbourne that, admittedly, is about crime, but very few (if any?) gangster plotlines.
The 1920's has always been a historical period that interested me, but most of the films about it seem to involve gangsters in some way. What does a gal have to do to get a good Scott and Zelda Fitgerald biopic? I'm too damn busy to write it myself.
“I’m chaud sang-ed. Check it and see. I’ve got a fièvre of 103º”
Yup. Someone thought throwing a TG character in the mix would be smart, but boy did they make a mockery of her. smh
The confusing part of all this to me is, if you start getting a larger cohort of test-takers with “perfect” scores, then won’t the test-prep companies change their way of testing? Or the schools start lessening their reliance on testing so that future students don’t see the need to take the thing at all?
No shade on Patel (GET MONEY!) but SAT testing are part of the horrible, expensive and, frankly, sickening scam of which higher education is a direct part as well as aiding and abetting.
Precisely because she writes about culture, as well as because she’s a woman of color, I’m a bit surprised at the tone deafness. The book sounds like such a bad idea. I wonder how she pitched it to the publisher.
Flipped through the video fully expecting to see titties bustin’ out all over
So proud that we have someone who is both a doctor and a judge on staff.
My story is amazing. It's tragic and it's inspiring and it's beautiful. I am immeasurably blessed. I have no regrets because I did exactly what I came here to do and that's just challenge myself to the adventure of love. I'm gonna be ok because I've lost before and I've survived. I'm here. I rise above it.