When I was on a sub, we had a ceremony and spread ashes at sea for a veteran.
When I was on a sub, we had a ceremony and spread ashes at sea for a veteran.
I’m a Navy Retiree too...except the Navy will only do your ashes. That’s what I am going to have done too.
Navy veterans have the option to be buried at sea. As a Navy vet myself, this is what I want. Throw me overboard shipmates.
Will they fix this? The answer may surprise you!
I had TMNT manhole covers as a boy! Mine came in a 4-pack too and I wore em every day I could
Hell, just knock 45 minutes off the runtime. a 110 minute movie has to be cheaper than a 155 minute one.
Easiest way to keep spiders in check is to keep house centipedes. They eat spiders.
Just buy a fucking PC, they won’t pull this crap on you.
some will say they were cancelled because they “Got Woke” which is moron code for “has women in the show”, and a good sign anyone speaking this way can be safely ignored.
The reality is G4 was a success in the past because it was one of the few shows like it at the time. Now, you can get G4 content on basically any…
I live in Sao Paulo Brazil. Excellent internet with perfect xcloud streaming costs me about 40USD a month. My phone plan is 30USD a month for 60GB of 5G. An Xbox series S is 600 USD. Different parts of the world have different economies and infrastructure, and pure xcloud makes much more sense in some parts than…
What are you talking about? Fred and Daphne had lots of romantic innuendo in the original cartoon. You’re just so used to heteronormative media that it doesn’t even register. Lesbian women aren’t automatically more sexual than the heterosexual people you’re already watching.
Interesting. I found his outsider’s perspective refreshing, especially considering most other late night show hosts are American.
Wow, are you a trust funder. Or are you a hermit? You are talking about saving $5+ every 2 years on electricity for 1 bulb. Hell that is a mere $2 .50 a year per bulb, I have over 50 light bulbs, so that would only save me $150 a year in electricity, plus $40+ dollars for new light bulbs, so saving $200 a year is not…
Lol they don’t produce awful light. I mean sure you can always buy bottom of the barrel LED bulbs, but it sounds like you’re basing your experience of them from what was around a decade ago. My LIFX bulbs are absolutely unmatched, especially so with being able to adjust the white balance. The emitted light is far…
Yes I’m sure.
Here’s an example of someone who thinks electricity is priced too cheap so it’s ok to waste it. Are you also the guy who remote-idles his truck for 20 minutes?
There will always be troglodytes.
I honestly haven’t noticed a difference in my hydro bill. The entire house is all LED now, and has been for at least 5 years. I assume it’s because in that time, computers have demanded more energy, there are more devices in the house, and we’ve had a pandemic where we’re working from home 100%.
If it's a work, then wrestling news sources are getting worked. I'm inclined to believe that people who have been reporting on stories in wrestling for the longest time know how to vet something as a work or not.
This is the kind of worked shoot that would sour people on the company rather than the kind that elevates people.