
I actually quite like Heroes Reborn. It is hardly a great show, but compared to the horrendous last season, it is by far the second best “season”, admittedly a distant, distant second. It is plagued by being drawn out far too long and should have already ended with 12 episodes, but it is more exciting to me than all

The EU version is still listed as €0,00, if you have the ability or live in Europe.

Yes, this sucks, but really, lying to children to make them believe things like Santa and the like are real is equally fucked up. I will never understand this thinking.

Hardly hackers. It isn’t really hacking anything. Not saying they themselves can’t hack or can hack, anybody can who knows how to program... But DDoS I wouldn’t consider hacking since it is only really just spamming servers with requests. Annoying nonetheless.

Just started playing this again after 10 years on the HD collection. After MGSV, it's funny how this story finally makes complete sense after all these damn years. XD


I believe the combat director for Republic Commando also directed the combat for Halo 5. They have a LOT if common. Halo 5 is kind of a spiritual successor to RC in so many ways.

The service is free to all Xbox One owners and the fact it works with authenticating disc-based games is a huge bonus. Microsoft has some amazing engineers. Didn’t like one or two people build the application? I doubt it would have been free if MS were first place still (in North America).

As a woman in great athletic shape not dissimilar to the scanned model who has also had a past with depression, this certainly feels validating to me. There just aren’t enough games showing strom women, like it is unattainable for most women when it is not (it is purely choice for the able-bodied).

Reading “ass” makes me cringe when speaking scientifically about a body (buttocks would be proper here, as "ass" is an objectifying term for a non-objectifying article)... That aside, the “pouch” isn’t from having a uterus, it is just normally that shape for most people with a flat belly. Also, her ribs are not

The great thing about enthusiast card setups is you can downsample from higher resolutions, which typically look much better than any AA technique (hurray for no pixel shimmering!).

Well, Portable Ops does not, but Peacewalker does.

I did not know about this before. Thanks for sharing, Patricia! It is literally the only gaming news I thought interesting enough to click on all evening and I needed the laugh. Please pay no attention to the trolls... You are my favourite Kotaku editor. Please keep doing your thing. And YES, fucking video games....

Technically, you can get better performance full screen vs borderless window filling. A lot of games also require full screen to work with CrossFire/SLI.

Yes, Eurogamer said patch broke the cutscenes. Go offline, uninstall the patch, and play. The graphics will look a little better, but the framerate will drop to 26 at the lowest.

Dorian's entire character revolved around his sexuality and family shame... It was an authentic, very real portrayal of an event that many people have to live through, making him a relatable character. Hardly an afterthought.


Absolutely can be loaded through back-end means with no front end trace if circumstances are not met.

The teammate who looks up: "Da fuq..."

The Black Ops games were the only CoD games I ever enjoyed. I am actually excited if true.