
So... Unwatchable for those of us with FemSheps. Gotcha. :(

Couldn't he have just set his PS4 to 480p?

Done! Here is what I wrote in the "Why?" comment box: Because [Goku] is a staple of Japanese gaming, anime, and manga culture. Goku represents disciplined martial arts, so this makes sense.

There is no text chat........???

Practically every PC game now supports the Xbox 360/One pads. I have been gaming on a big screen with a desktop for five years. Has been an amazing experience with superb graphics options. 1080p native with 60fps on the big screen's nothing new for me!

Got to love Halo's physics. Insane.

One of the most visionary individuals to happen along at Microsoft in a while. Here is to Mike Ey's legacy being completed and that we will see HoloLens proudly on our desks in a few years.

There is zero logic here. What a dehumanising state of affairs.

I would be OK just giving somebody a "no-show" to class for checking their devices during on of my lectures or instructions.

I have amazing performance on PC with ultra everything, but I do Crossfire two 290Xs, which is hardly cheap. Controls are pretty great with an Xbox One controller. Not into m/kb at all, but a bit surprised to read there are issues since most BioWare PC games don't even have controller options.

I love my Paul McCartney replica bass guitar for Rock Band. I even play it lefty. RB3 and Beatles RB are two reasons I could never sell my 360.

Could probably run it at 4K in ultra with locked 30 fps.

Advent Rising I would have put on this list.

FH2 is an arcade racer and not a sim, so the weather makes sense.

Great thing about side quests is they are completely optional, except maybe on Nightmare, which I am playing on. I need the exp to level up so I don't die (as fast). I enjoy exploring though, and I fond it relaxing.

That was very well presented. I was expecting something funny toward the end and was pleasantly surprised it kept its tone throughout. This kind of content would get me to play GTA. I am still holding put for a PC version to see what kind of mods could be done to boost the realism of the waters.

I will now buy this game just to support such awesomeness. WB is really kicking ass and making other studios look silly. With a beloved franchise, no less!