It’s actually called Gila River Arena now! Who knew?
It’s actually called Gila River Arena now! Who knew?
My mother lost her finger in this exact way when she was in high school with her class ring. She now has half a ring finger on her left hand and can’t hold M&Ms or anything small in that hand or else it’ll slip through the space. No pictures of the event from the 70s, but now I’ll have something to imagine every time…
I was AT that game, the last Dolphins game I’ve been to. Reed and the Ravens’ defense made Pennington look like hot trash. My father was begging me to let us leave midway through the fourth quarter when the outcome was certain, but I paid to much for those seats and suffered through all 60 minutes.
I’m aware. It was originally incorrectly spelled as “oughts” in the post and has since been corrected.
“aughts” must be one of those “heard-it-said-but-never-spelled-out” words, huh?
Howe played in parts of five different decades, a mark that will never ever be broken.
He is reading from Wikipedia and SI, it sounds like, for much of this. How is this compelling radio people want to listen to?
Miami resident here. All I’ve got to say is: Yep.
Billie-Jo Skeleton is criminally under-seeded.
The arena has a sprained ankle, Kevin?