It’s bad enough that the whites try to keep us from moving up in society. Now they are trying to stop us from moving upstairs.
It’s bad enough that the whites try to keep us from moving up in society. Now they are trying to stop us from moving upstairs.
So, you’re saying we should BUY?!
You must be white.
Nathan Peterman is the only uncompleted side of a Rubik’s Cube.
Also he could’ve said he was “standing his ground” and probably gotten away...
i think i found the legal loophole invalidating stand your ground if you are on an elevator moving up, away from the ground!
If you’re a concealed carry license holder in Florida, it’s illegal to draw your weapon and show it to someone. It’s called brandishing. They can and should charge him with that.
Will never not star a Trading Places GIF. I love that movie with a great love. Where else are you going to get Denholm Elliot and Eddie Murphy in the same movie?
Man if there is any justice in the world, monster shithead George Perles’ entire net worth would be liquidated and transferred to Erika Davis.
In their defense, PC World is pretty dull. I just hopped over there and these are their top two stories right now:
Me after I fail to heed your advice:
How do you say “Uncle Tom” in Yiddish?
May every step he take be barefoot, onto a Lego.
Hamilton is fucking with you in this post.
The Belichick coaching tree sprouts another withered, lifeless branch.
LOL “metro racist” is a new “you’re the real racist!!11!” that I haven’t heard before. Listen, shitgibbon, “suburban basic” isn’t a race. Also, “the author” literally posted a list, which I quoted in the comment to which you replied, of shoes other than Nikes that your suburban cohort is fond of. Yet again, you can’t…
It’ll be blamed on the “full shift” thing. Being exhausted and overworked. There’ll be calls for more police so they don’t get so exhausted and start executing random citizens in their own homes. She’ll be done up as the victim of budget cuts, being forced to work so much.
So she noticed there was a person there before she noticed that person obviously removed all her stuff and refurnished the apartment?
Bail increased 0.00013%. That’ll learn him!
Letting “Trump be Trump” could mean nuclear war. Thanks, but no thanks.