Alladis, right’chea!!! #alldiseasesmatter
Alladis, right’chea!!! #alldiseasesmatter
Why it gotta be mom’s cooking? Dad don’t cook? I’m kidding of course, but someone would’ve taken it there because people can’t just let an affirmation stand. Their mindset is affirmation for you = denigration for me.
It’s training camp time, get your zubaz!
Sweetie, I know it feels like forever but it’s not been that long. Watergate took a long time. The Saturday night massacre was over a year after the break in.... And you’re right, it’ll turn to the financials, RUSSIAN FINANCIALS! HEYYOOOO
Simple: Mueller’s reportedly going through his finances. The only thing he’s actively hidden are his tax returns, because the proof of all his scams, all his grifts, all his tax dodging, all his money laundering, and all his espionage will be laid bare and plain to see once those things hit Mueller’s desk. Mueller’s…
Supreme and unwarranted confidence and a lack of self-awareness... those traits sound so familiar. Do you work in the WH?
How is babby formed?
Hated this show from the first five minutes, hate-watched the entire season in an afternoon, texted my friends about how much I hated it the whole time. It was terrible. I am terrible.
Walk into any dementia-care area of a nursing home and you can have basically the same conversation. I’m not kidding.
You seem to be confused, we didn’t use this image in the post.
Sorry Clay
He had to get home to his true love, the radio show heard throughout the multiverse.
“Went to school in Boston” is the preferred phrasing. Don’t be gauche.
What pisses me off most about jagoffs like this guy...
Just to head this off at the pass; no, it’s still racist if you’re going to come into the comments to say something along the lines of “You know I normally wouldn’t say this, but the Roma really are [insert X stereotype here], and I know that because of [insert Y story about a trip to Europe]”
Maybe let the grass roots give it a shot for once.
My husband and I have a running joke...the tiny house trend will inevitably lead to the home owners falling into murderous rages. Then ID will have a new show... “Tiny Homicide.”
Someone should just create an interview bot to fill in for Kellyanne Conway and the not quite a Nazi, but wishes he were guy. Gorka’s could just repeat variations of “Donald Trump is an alpha male. I am an alpha male. Our penises are like locomotives made of gorillas”. It would save everyone a lot of time and energy.
Right, Rey is like, so boring and not interesting to play as, whereas I have always found myself deeply passionate about, and highly invested in, small metal thimbles and top hats. I mean, have you heard about Thimble’s backstory???
As a Cowboys fan, this checks out.