Not even close, bub.
Not even close, bub.
Ugh. Fuck this year already.
Which episodes on LPotL discuss this? Thanks!
The Falcons are a barely above-.500 team masquerading as former Super Bowl losers. They are the 2007 Bears of 2017.
Holy shit - you are evil - and thank you
Fuck off, racist piece of shit.
Please, you and all of your Aryan pals, do us all a favor. Get in a big ass circle and put stupid out of its misery.
Yeah, no. Dude credited himself with the Warriors winning 73 games. He’s a dopey, short, rich, asshole. Best to keep his delusions to himself.
Don’t think I’d brag about being a venture capitalist. What an idiot.
Dude, don’t be the first person to post a question about your wife’s activism on an article explaining how not to make the conversation about you.
What thread? Can you share link?
Thanks for the insight.
Charging him with 2nd degree murder. Lucky he’s a white man.
Don’t waste your anger going to breitbart (“Mcauliffe refuses to denounce ANTIFA groups!”) or Fox (“SJWs and white supremacists are equally abhorrent & evil!”).
I never called you Hitler. Not sure where you’re getting this from. Nice reach. Keep trolling on Jezebel. I hope it brings you fulfillment.
I am a joke.
Do you have a photo of your hood and robes you racist piece of trash?
Get a life, fuckface. Why you choose to come on here and troll hard in the comments section of a story about some fucking guy who imprisoned his wife/child for 2 whole years, is beyond me. You are entitled to your bewigged ballsac president, but just fuck off, yeah?
I think you need to start simmering some of your letter mishmashes in blog form. I’ll subscribe and I know we’ll find some amazing descriptions of that orange skin tube pustule farm fuckface.