
Sold!! Probably the best, most interesting line I've seen :)

It was *literally* all downhill from there.

I'm a woman and I feel the same way. Even though I KNOW I've been socialized to leap for a razor at any hint o' hair, I can't physically seem to stop doing it. I can't even WANT to stop doing it.

OMG! Me too! Because of all the foofy choices, I have to order a simple vanilla latte (with no foam, yes, I have one foible), as a 12 oz, 2 shot, vanilla latte, regular milk, no foam. Holy steamed cow juice!

Don't forget that they're only important if they're fetuses generated inside the United States. All other fetuses (fetusi?) can jump off the rim of the earth. Oh, and apparently the no-goodnik children they eventually turn into.

You win Best Comment of the Day [hands over a newly sharpened pencil]

First time around, Lime Green. But I'm most definitely not a conflict avoider, so another run gives me Yellow. Apropos of nothing, I found the color associations confusing and meaningless.

I think you are the Golden Apple that all the Alpha women should now be competing for. Are you set up for taking bids?

I commented elsewhere that I'd much rather leave a short vm and have someone email me back with info than talk to them. A large part of the reason for that is that I don't want to spend my precious few social skills in the workplace, talking with someone I give zero fucks about, and who gives zero fucks about me.

I'm there. I would pay to leave a voicemail instead of talk to someone sometimes. Then they can email me back and I never have to interact with them personally. Win/win, I say.

Thank you, Madeleine, for saying the words I wanted to say but couldn't find. In the last few years, I've found that I stopped talking about feminism and women because my anger was so great it "turned off" the people I was around, men and women both. And these are educated, sympathetic, understanding folk who just

I'm fairly voluptuous and have a big rack, and can still sympathize with those who are much more slender than I. Any time I start to feel down on myself, I throw on something small and tight and make myself go out dancing. The "small and tight" clothing conditions are because my instinct is often to disguise my body

That was my first thought too! All those delicious dark-skinned hotties and none to be seen... :(

They're visually pleasing, just not interesting. Where are the redheads, the dark skin, the interesting faces? Even their outfits are pretty neutral. Oh, and seriously? The one profession that's been largely dominated by women (as shallow and ridiculous as it is) and now men are trying to wedge their impeccable