I can’t imagine a more suitable resume for the job.
I can’t imagine a more suitable resume for the job.
Race to the moon.
That’s the Zumwalt’s sister ship, the U.S.S. Beldar.
Are you a cop?
Hell no, I had to use Google to convert it. Why the hell is freezing 32 degrees?
...they may replace
one of the pairRosberg
MINE! Already fired off an email to the guy. $1500 for that is a steal considering that the R100 I looked at that was actually on fire and parked under a truck wheel in pieces was going for $2500.
From the front: “Drool...want.”
A little bit of both.
That and Indefinitely Wild getting the ax has much suckage.
Never a wrong time for some Monty Python.
I used to pound a black chick named Syria.
Who the hell at GM decided that using the reverse lights as approach lamps was a good idea?
Does existence count as a design flaw?
Haha you are reaching so hard right now. That car doesn’t have anything like the front of a SLS or the taillights of a Cherokee.
I assume he was really thinking that was his last solution. Ever.
Looks gold and white to me
Fixed it for you!