The Cynicalist

I can’t imagine a more suitable resume for the job.

Race to the moon.

That’s the Zumwalt’s sister ship, the U.S.S. Beldar.

Are you a cop?

Hell no, I had to use Google to convert it. Why the hell is freezing 32 degrees?

...they may replace one of the pair Rosberg

MINE! Already fired off an email to the guy. $1500 for that is a steal considering that the R100 I looked at that was actually on fire and parked under a truck wheel in pieces was going for $2500.

From the front: “Drool...want.”

A little bit of both.

That and Indefinitely Wild getting the ax has much suckage.

Never a wrong time for some Monty Python.

I used to pound a black chick named Syria.

Who the hell at GM decided that using the reverse lights as approach lamps was a good idea?

Does existence count as a design flaw?

Haha you are reaching so hard right now. That car doesn’t have anything like the front of a SLS or the taillights of a Cherokee.

I assume he was really thinking that was his last solution. Ever.

Looks gold and white to me

Fixed it for you!