The Cynicalist

Despite facts and evidence, I continue to believe it is a native Hawaiian dancer with a bowl of fruit between her knees.


I’ve learned it — I had a 1993 740i for about 2 years until the front and rear struts and shocks needed to be replaced. Coupled with a failing transmission (after I’d already spent 700+ having the valve body rebuilt) I gave up and sold it. The regret lives on.

Very true, but I still can’t afford the repair bills!

I’m pretty sure one of my sole goals as a kid was to grow up with a job good enough to afford a 5 series or a 7 series. So disappointing to see that sales numbers took over the driving (verb) experience. Anyway, cars will drive themselves soon so my passion and this entire website is pointless.

It looks so inoffensive it’s offensive.

Another good article man. I always appreciate the, more often than not, humble succinctness you bring to the internet.

While reading this, I had visions of Carlton Banks dancing

Sandra Bullock in The Net off the grid? 1992 Honda Accord. Brown. So inoffensive even your attackers would puppy dog you.

Yeah alright, this is great. BUT can it dodge potholes. I wouldn’t want to autodrive near Philly after a bad winter.

Listen, my burning question is why do I get an upset stomach, anxious, and insomnia when I take any form of antibiotics? AM I CRAZY?

Actually, and not that I’m entirely disagreeing with you, but didn’t Tesla push an update to its cars that solved a spate of charger related fire issues?

You also look like you could host Wait Wait... Don’t Tell Me, or some other NPR show.

Please let there be a virtual key to unlock a cheap virtual plastic cover protecting the button that activates Bioweapon Defense Mode. And also let it be red with a yellow caution symbol on it. Also glowing red. No, pulsating red. Pulsating Glowing red.

You win this time, Putin.

This is great news!

My left eye did twitch a little bit when I read the part about the nurse giving him an aspirin. My thought bubble was a cash register drawer popping open with cartoon $$$ signs popping out. What did they charge, 90$ for that aspirin?

The point I intended to make is that I believe the difficulty of the adversity one

I might argue that he may be a better man for it.

Flip cards.... I’d get in an accident while I was mesmerized by keeping the cards mid-flip, or trying to wave them between speeds