The Cynicalist

Clearly the heart is there because they love beheading turks.

To be fair, it was headlined exactly as @vondon32 put it.

What about Simple bank?

Yes, someone please replace my gas sipper for a 1999 Jeep Cherokee XJ so my absent smile can finally return.

I truly believe that if I saw the words “non-sequitur” coming out of your mouth, I would punch you one in the face. FACE.

1. sarcasm.
2. sarcasm.
tha-reeee: sarcasm.

1. you used bing, not google
2. i got 22.9 million results when i searched ‘dinosaur problems’

I want to go to there.

Why I get all your points, I really think these commercials aren’t aimed at the analytically minded. I think Liberty Mutual is going for the idealist out there, who think if you do something right, be it on time or whatever, you should be taken care of.

I predict they go bankrupt before it is actually released.

Disagree. E32 all the way baby.

I just pictured myself seeing this happen. I didn't care that much either.

If only someone would invent an environment of connected devices the replaced the need for human interaction, the problem would be SOLVED.

Constituents complain about EVERYTHING.

Fa ra ra ra ra, ra ra ra ra.

100 likes bestowed upon your comment sirmaam.

Next week, a short clip from “As the bombs fall” at Nagasaki.

a little too excited, but i can dig it.

This sign is definitely an improvement. Brilliant would be a sign that changes automatically to reflect 1) whether you can park now and 2) when you should move your car before you get towed.

Yeah and how can I see this easily from the drivers side through the passenger window of my Prius/Smart Car?