
Again, you don’t know what an ad hominem actually is. This is an appeal to reality, not authority. You should swing by for a visit some time! I wouldn’t go so far as to say reality misses you, exactly, but it would probably do you some good.

“Logical” is another word you should probably avoid using until you have a stronger grasp on what it means. Add it to the ever-growing list.

What? Again, I don’t know what you’re talking about. This is not about stealing jokes. You called her a hack. I said I was turned off by that. Now you want me to go searching the internet for some evidence to disprove some vague accusation you made of which I am not familiar? That is very fucking weird.

A believe it’s option B and note that the ___inShippingCrates comment history starts today, while the ___inBoxes comment history ended yesterday. I’m assuming somebody got blocked/banned and came back to troll more.

When you make such claims you better back them up.

You’re not engaging with arguments made.

Seriously now, you are embarrassing yourself. That’s not an ad hominem. Literally nothing you have applied the phrase to so far has qualified.

But why aren’t you focusing on this guy’s entitled, misogynistic behavior?

Again, you transparently have no idea what constitutes that particular logical fallacy so you should probably stop saying it so often. I mean, assuming you care about embarrassing yourself in public; maybe you don’t. Your contributions to this conversation so far make me wonder.

She has never, to my knowledge (starting with season 1 of her comedy central show) done a “no men will have sex with me” bit. She has done a lot of “Men seem to think I’m not hot enough for TV,” which I’m sure is 100% true, but her shtick has always been more “I have a lot of sex with men,” so, the opposite of what

Want to bring that mentality to men accused of rape? Didn’t think so.

This isn’t just “my universe” it is “your universe” too.

Actually he inserted himself into her performance and tried to humiliate her, which she was (rightly so) having none of. Neither was the audience. If you don’t like her as a comic, fine. But why aren’t you focusing on this guy’s entitled, misogynistic behavior?

Thank God you woke up this morning and rushed to Jezebel so you could deliver this hot take. You sound like a very rational and well adjusted individual and I for one hope you can give us more of this level of fine insight. Thank you. Thank you. I am literally standing and clapping in front of my monitor. People in my

Well I agree with you in that I don’t think Amy Schumer is always a shining beacon of feminism but why call her a hack? She is obviously talented, funny and incredibly charismatic and has done a lot of things right to be where she is now. If it is a discussion you seek, starting it off with such a petty statement is

No no you see, the hivebrain is allowed to like only ONE token female comedian at a time, and Amy already had her 15 minutes. Now she is problematic, so nothing she says from now on is funny or cool.

You do realize that a pro-woman discussion of female comics allows Maria Bamford and Amy Schumer to co-exist? Schumer’s success is only a detriment to Bamford if you believe that women inherently must compete with one another and that there’s only room for one of them.

“Well, she’s kinda a hack.” So, you start with an ad feminem argument, and....

Tell us: how did it feel to get tossed out of the show last night?

People who heckle comics must be suckers for punishment.. picking a fight with a person who is literally there because they are funny (and often incisive and quick thinkers), in a setting where literally 99.9% of the people present like them and are -at best- indifferent to you.