
Hoo boy, she publicly offers refunds, then subsequently sends a message to attendees requesting Paypal donations to commemorate “the day we spent together” interspersed with all the blatant guilt-tripping, faux-intimate stylings she could manage on short notice

I’ve deactivated my account and can still use all the apps, etc linked to FB- dating apps, games, pretty much anything. You essentially retain the login, but your profile is gone. (I say this to encourage people to deactivate, especially if you disagree with these practices. The more people that deactivate their

I’ve deactivated my account and can still use all the apps, etc linked to FB- dating apps, games, pretty much anything. You essentially retain the login, but your profile is gone. (I say this to encourage people to deactivate, especially if you disagree with these practices. The more people that deactivate their

She did not “reneg on her story and say it was specifically not Louis.” As noted in the article, she said the following on Nerdist: “Jezebel does all this sh*t, guessing who it is, and I never said who. I started getting hate mail … and then I took the podcast down because [Jezebel] was directing people to it.”

Your comment is factually correct, with the exception, IMO, of the first sentence, which essentially downplays the importance and impact of phone calls, letters, and emails directed at members of Congress and their staff. As part of my job (I’m a fed whose agency works closely w/ Congress), I’ve worked in this arena

Isn’t this is par for the course in modern media, though? See: election. How much of the most-read/heard/seen media covers the two major candidates’ policy proposals? (Outlines of the details, debates about their merits, proposals for alternatives?) Compare that to coverage of latest poll shifts, recent “gaffes” and

Agree with your first point; that said, its impossible to know how many, if any, attacks TSA as prevented. Because they were, you know, prevented. Yes, we know of no major planned attacks that were (a) identified with effort from TSA, (b) subsequently foiled, and (c) made public. Beyond that, we don’t know. Moreover,

Why can’t such things be assessed on a case-by-case basis? I’m not sure whether I disagree with the court’s verdict or not in this case, but if I did, I don’t think this means I can “never be OK with an accused rapist,” nor does it mean that I believe such an accusation should always “tar someone for life, no matter