
A DA has to be mindful of their words pre-trial and stick to facts without editorializing. Most states have very strict rules for what prosecutors can say in a press conference or news release about a pending case. He doesn’t want to be accused of committing an ethical violation or polluting the jury pool...because

I am entirely “meh” on this. “Exactly the wrong decision.” is more than clear and stronger than most of these statements.

Before voicing your displeasure to him, it might be worth looking up whether he had any choice. In many states the only grounds to deny bail is if there is a specific concern that they will not attend court. For example, in New York public safety is NOT a ground to deny bail. Not sure about Pennsylvania though.

yikes- his staff has no part in his decision. they are just trying to make a living. posting their names is unnecessary

I’d also like to know what kind of volume they deal with. Judges with truly enormous caseloads sometimes resort to a less individualized categorical approach toward “routine” decisions like bond and probation and such. It would also be interesting to know whether the local State’s Attorney has a reputation for

Whatever you do, though, please do not harass his staff. They had nothing to do with his idiotic decision and shouldn’t have to deal with the fallout. As someone who works for the court system, we don’t always agree with the judges we work for but we still have to do our job.

Depends on state law. In many states, judges are not even elected but rather are appointed like federal judges. In that case, removal might require impeachment, or there might be some other oversight process, such as through a judicial conduct board. In states that do elect judges, sometimes recall initiatives are

Sifmastat is just sifmasad that no one, and I do mean no one, wants to see his naked pics.

Mannnnnn.... If one more Hotep hits me with the “Sis this brother is being punished for doing a movie that upsets our oppressors” or something like that....smh

He has escaped punishment from the state as they were unable to prove he was guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. All other punishments via public opinion and acceptable so long as he is not libeled or slandered.

But all this to say, I’d wager there a scores of men the same age as Parker who wouldn’t consider themselves rapists, but in reality they are.

That is my problem with Nate Parker. He is in no way accepting responsibility for his actions and does not seem repentant. If he were to at least say something like, “I can now see what I did was wrong” I think it would make it better but to continue blaming the victim and talking about how hard it’s been for him? Hi

Why would you let the verdict be the final word? That uses an extremely high burden of proof. Look at the facts we know about the case. The day before she expressed resistance to having sex at all. The next day she was involved in a threesome with him and another guy. Seems fishy, no? That phone call is damning to me.

Whatever he thought of his own actions with a drunk woman he had had a prior relationship with, I doubt it was such a gray area to wave another man to join in when the woman was not conscious to consent (assuming that part of the story is true).

I wouldn’t claim to know exactly why particular rape victims report or don’t, but Parker’s victim’s attack was different from the common experiences you mention in a few ways: it involved being penetrated by multiple men at the same time, one of whom was a stranger; she went to bed alone (the men were in another room

I was also in college on the 90's and I agree that we did not have a good understanding of enthusiastic consent. I don’t think it excuses these “date-rape” incidents, but it does complicate them. Still, it’s important to remember that men who had sex with drunk women knew that they were taking advantage of those

his co-writer was found guilty, and only later acquitted because he and parker intimidated the witness so she wouldnt testify again. doesnt that speak a lot about his feelings on this whole thing/rape as a whole that he’s still friends and working with the guy?

When Kobe Bryant, hardly a paragon of virtue, settled with his victim, he issued a public apology that saw him saying that, while he truly believed the encounter was consensual, after listening to her testimony he understood how she felt that it was not. While that is not entirely satisfying and I’m not sure how both

The issue is that what counts as rape often times will not hold up in court. You may not have identified what happened to you as rape but so many women come away from situations like this feeling completely violated and raped. It’s such a difficult situation and I think that if the parties involved only knew how to

@bluebears: I think it supports the old notion that women are quietly superior to men — they do the menial jobs that men are too childish and proud to do, which makes them better people. Which is great, as long as they don't question why the more competent person doesn't make more of the decisions. Or attempt to share