You’re right, I was much more concerned with the fact that it is apparently possible to deep fry cheesecake.
You’re right, I was much more concerned with the fact that it is apparently possible to deep fry cheesecake.
Khloe’s vanity is showing. Shape chooses it's cover image based on a different set of criteria. The cover image is all about her - shape. She should calm it. maybe she should start her own magazine of just her ass.
I don’t understand - are all her pants chaps and that’s why she needs long shirts?
That’s really quite lovely.
Seeing Patrick Stewart with his parasol reminded me of my new umbrella.
I am going to spend the summer still hoping it’s Abraham. You may not know this, but I hate him :)
Shouldn’t it read “Kustomers of Kylie’s Kosmetics komplained...” Because, y'know, branding?
And a bath. Thank goodness we don't have smell-o-vision!
She’s far from boring. She’s a fear mongering, racist piece of shit who I wish would jump off a cliff and do the world a favor.
He wasn’t necessarily, that’s why I responded at all. But a commenter coming on a Jezebel article about women who just flat out says “what about the men” is 9 times out of ten (hell, 999 times out of 1000) being a dickish troll trying to get a rise out of crazy, easily angered women. Odds are he was just being…
Anne Colter can fuck off with that nonsense, it’s never going to be funny coming from her.
I was so pissed when I found out that it’s Abraham (who I HATE) who gets the arrow in the eye in the comics. I hope he meets Lucille in the season premiere. Have I mentioned that I hate Abraham? I really hate him.
Hey look everybody, it’s THAT GUY!
Everything I hear about this show makes me glad I don’t watch it.
The phrase you don’t have is “Expectation of Privacy”. Those people in the woods have no expectation but those in the hotel did expect to be in private.
I always thought the appeal of hooking up in a semi-public place was the fear of getting caught or actually getting caught. The woods people are fair game if the woods are public. The people in a hotel are definitely not.
Ahhh....we get to the point where the person with the idiotic point of view pats themselves on the back for being nuanced and willing to go against the grain, without realizing that sometimes the reason EVERYONE tells you you are wrong is because your point of view is stupid, not because you’re a brilliant…
Next mural....Kanye watching Kanye stick a finger in Kanye’s booty while Kanye masturbates to Kanye making out with Kanye.
If I’m breaking into five guys, it’s not for their burgers, it’s for their fries.
Is she tho? When I was in my early twenties i dated rock stars and I knew exactly what I was doing. Get it while and if you can girl!