Mental Iceberg's Burner

“The only true wealth is when you don’t think about wealth.”

The crouch makes sense. You also get in a little ‘glute action.

Who the fuck wipes crack to sack?

You stay at a crouch. It’s almost a squat but slightly up so your butt is hovering in the air above the bowl. I don’t know why anyone would stand completely up, pushing their buns together. That doesn’t seem sanitary. Then again neither does remaining seated.

You lean forward a little and give your tush a little push upwards while maintaining contact on the seat with your thighs so that you can access it from the back. Duh!

Combo style ass-wiping. Slight stand-crouch for maximum penetration. How the fuck does one stand and wipe their ass?

How fat are you that your ass hangs down almost to water level??

Standing would seem illogical. Doesn’t that shut the poop hole up?


Dead, you know.....

This makes tentacle-porn look wholesome.

Did I read that poster’s opinion correctly? Is s/he suggesting that survivor’s bite the bullet and just “keep their heads” down after being raped? What in the fuck?

Normally I don’t like that kind of response, but I think this one merits it. Full stop.

It’s almost as if Gawker has never done something similar.

I’m guessing Trump’s campaign manager told him it would be a bad move to switch campaign managers.

I hope to hell she sues both BuzzFeed & Fox News. Incredible negligence!

I hate people.

Because those of us who have experienced it like to know that there are other people out there who went through it and thrived. This *IS* focusing on her gifts. IT’S INSPIRING, GUY

ZOMG I totally had this magazine when I was 14. I remember tabbing it and looking through it HUNDREDS of times just imagining what prom would be like when I was finally old enough to go 3 years later... and then I skipped prom and hung out with my French teacher at a pizza joint and then got high while watching Motel

public figured discussing their pasts like this normalizes it, and helps get rid of the shame for other people who have gone through the same thing. If it doesnt get talked about, it will continue to be swept under the rug and continue to happen