Will people now, finally, start to abandon this garbage show? Time will tell.
Will people now, finally, start to abandon this garbage show? Time will tell.
Why buy her weed when you can buy my Crack for Cramps. You’ll forget about those nasty cramps (and quite a few other things) for at least 24 hours guaranteed, or your money back (there is no money back).
20 years ago was 1996 - you had to get married to have sex? What kind of fantasy land - nostalgia are these people imagining? Honestly these conversations so often devolve into this sepia-toned bullshit, like think pieces on tinder and “hookup culture”
Let’s dance in style, let’s dance for a while,
Heaven can wait we’re only watching the skies.
Hoping for the best, but expecting the worst,
Are you gonna drop the bomb or not?
Let us die grey or let us live forever
We don’t have the power, but we never say never
Sitting in a sandpit, life is a short trip
The music’s for the…
I remember when there were starred commenters! Solidarity my friend.
I’ve been here since the very first Jez post in, what, 2006? Got briefly ungreyed, then some now-long-gone Gawker writer shadowbanned me over there, had to create a new(ish) name, back to grey on Jez.
In addition to understanding how insurance works, I’d also like them to understand that bc can be used as MEDICINE and not just slut pills. Women can be prescribed them for a variety of reasons. 💊
Facepalm. Does no one think anymore? WTF.
This makes me think that the justices don’t understand how insurance works. Full stop. You don’t buy insurance for specific medicines and condition. There is no “diabetes insurance” that you specifically buy on the marketplace when you need insulin. You buy comprehensive insurance and the company is gambling that more…
This is why we don't want vacancies on the court.
I would bet almost anything that these guys also are not carrying around tampons in their fanny packs.
XDDD I think I’ve been here like...6 years! I deserve points for holding on!
1 year? Ha!
I've been grey forever. For a brief moment last week I thought I was ungreyed but it was all a lie. Le sigh.
Trump, a craven liar and bad person, also told the reporters aboard the plane that he deeply respects women.
If the Germans had won World War II, the history books would report that the war started when Poland attacked Germany in 1939.
I’m not a lawyer
I’m so looking forward to watching Trump try to handle the Democratic nominee in a debate.
these kristin gifs are giving me life today
She’s kind of boring which is probably the best way to be famous. I do think Kristen Cavallari would probably be more fun to hang with. But I can’t help but like LC. She’s living a pretty awesome life. Cheers to her!