mental iceberg

Great video — answered all of my questions, especially why I would do this instead of, say, popping into a shop and buying something. What I especially like is that it distances you as the giver. You can give something and it’s clear that you’re not expecting anything, not even gratitude, in return since you’re not

You shut your goddamn mouth unless it’s to apologize to Hoda Kotb.

you clearly know nothing of hoda!

Also, how did I end up back in the greys AGAIN?

It could just be because Trump is stupid, which is not really a red flag because we all knew that already.

They sent him off to an extreme Christian school to “appease” the evangelical voters. That child is being brainwashed to be an even bigger douchebag than his brothers and sister.

I’m hoping against hope that Baron somehow isn’t corrupted by the shitbags around him and is somehow how to grow through it all and bloom into a decent person.

What? You expect them to vote properly like commoners?

Christawmighty, I mean, she could barely SPIT that sour-tasting word outta her lipsticked maw.

whyyyyy give attention to the trolls?!

Was already out when I commented!

Why did you let that scumbag out of the grays?? C’mon, Zukka, you’re better than that!!

I reject your DNA degradation facts.

That word, ‘used,’ has very clear sexually derogatory connotations for you and I, but the right won’t see it that way. Even though they’re the ones pushing the ‘your vagina is like a piece of chewing gum’ bullshit, they will argue that he meant used as in manipulated by Democratic leadership.

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, a total flunky for Chuck Schumer and someone who would come to my office “begging” for campaign contributions not so long ago (and would do anything for them)

I enjoyed this with every fiber of my being!

This is my favorite comment on the internet for today, god bless you. (I just... love Peter Gabriel a lot. And also sarcasm.)

Such wonderful memories brought back by this! Nobody could make videos like Peter Gabriel. Plus, I saw him in concert this past summer, and his singing and performing chops are still top-notch. He was on the road wth Sting, and they spent most of the middle of the concert performing each others most emblematic

Gotta love Peter Gabriel.