mental iceberg

It’s worth mentioning that the famine from the Irish potato famine was man-made in the sense that it was not that there was not enough food being produced within Ireland to feed the Irish—massive shipments of food was being exported from Ireland to England by English landowners in Ireland, even as the Irish literally

I literally make these every other weekend. But with chocolate chips, because nuts don’t have to be in every goddamn thing with chocolate.

Key word is “about.” As you can see above, my pan was rectangular.

I think Hepburn’s brownie recipe first appeared in “Home Cooking” by Laurie Colwin, published in 1988.

I am the true epitome of Asian culture.

As a result, the Nordic countries have their own Olympics in the Olympics and pretend the other countries don’t exist

Right after you quit telling me what I can and cannot say.

This depends on who made the pizza.

The keychain link goes somewhere else. Could we get the correct link?

Don’t you at least kind of want the bacon to cook in its own rendered fat?

That would be funny: mediocre black writers issuing a travel ban against mediocre white guys.

Is anyone happy with this talentless hack?

“Despite substantial evidence of voter fraud, many states have refused to provide the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity with basic information relevant to its inquiry.”

I have a question. It is burning for some. What the hell happened to Jalopnik/FoxtrotAlpha? It’s in a coma. Any attempts at resuscitation? Is its ward is deserted by doctors and nurses?

Wait. What? First names, or first and last names? I am not a paranoid person about the internet, but I don’t want every MRA clown who hasn’t been laid recently trying to find me Facebook, my workplace, or my address.

Right? Child, sit down.

Sure, it’s a good idea for this girl to be in the public eye and not regularly attend school. She is clearly gonna be jusssst fine. Yup.

What about literally roasting her?

My stepdad just admitted to finding me sexually attractive over family dinner. We had Animal Planet on DVR and he said one of the vets looked like me and he’d fuck her in a heartbeat. Dear god, this was the man I trusted when I could trust no one else. What is happening to this world. My husband almost strangled him.