mental iceberg

This person is EVERYWHERE. they’re saying zukka is a troll too and I know clearly he isn’t. Ughhh it’s annoying. Sorry that they’re now saying you’re a troll. I think they have multiple accounts and starring themselves.

Because reporting trolls works so well...

This person is a concern troll. Their account probably isn’t an hour old and they’re already racking up stars.

Someone created a Kinja account just to spam this post calling you a troll. You’ve hit the big time!

And I’m sure the last thing we’d want to do is give a troll the attention they seek by repeatedly posting about them in every single story... OR... crazy idea... you just let people use their common sense to quietly ignore/report trolls and let the site admins take care of things.

Please people: Ignore all the trolls. Do not bring the trolls out of the greys for gods sake. Watch out for this vile troll Dynamic Conquerer who is a rape apologist.

The people, by a margin of 3 million, voted for Clinton.

Listen folks: Let’s be careful about letting trolls out of the greys, okay.

Please discuss Jorni. Troll.

Nope, no meme, jest a bit of me silliness, wherein “Tuesde” sorta matches with the “E” in “Be” as well as the “E” in “Office”, you please forgive me silliness(e). The End(e).

Please, please for the love of brie and a fine wine, no one bring out Jorni. This commenter has multiple burners that star and respond to their posts in an effort to try and bait an approved commenter to ungrey them. Then they go to all hell.

How many of you fuckers ARE there?!?!?!?!

“Leave the gun. take the cannolis.” Words to live by.

As long as you use the words “I feared for my life” and is or white, you can easily walk away from any questions about said shooting.

Yeah, I have no real opinion about his music. It’s pretty blah.

Lol. It’s not, but it should be.

His idiot cultists are only cheering this because they literally see the move as step 1 towards Armageddon and Jesus’ return.

Hahaha it was not! It was Kendall! That is too funny!

That was Kylie but, I still laughed nonetheless.

her bodyguard (Nosferatu)