mental iceberg

Well, it’s certainly an act of hatred.

brb gotta get some rapes done

Um, actually I’d argue most male on female rape* is by definition a “hate crime” that is gender based, because its a FUCKING HATEFUL THING TO DO TO A WOMAN, and demonstrates utter disregard - if not sheer contempt - for women.

*Don’t get me wrong: male-male rape also hateful. Female on male rape = also hateful. I’m of

The funny part about rape is. Even if it’s not hate crime’s still rape

I knew I was right when I said I was only doing it out of love. Maybe now she’ll understand....just have to get passed the whole restraining order thing first.

I normally feel like "but it's satire" is an overused defense of bad writers, but in this case I'm pretty damn sure that poem is satirizing western foodies Columbusing “exotic food” for cultural capital. It’s not exactly subtle either: “Then respect was a fraction of meager / For those who'd not eaten Uighur" and


Jordan evidently, My 9 month old son has a wider palette.

I normally enjoy reading Angry Asian Man, but I don't feel like he understood who the butt of the joke of that poem is supposed to be. When I first read that poem I was 95% certain it was mocking the practice of white urbanites/hipster/foodie types Columbusing ethnic cuisines to feel culturally superior. I feel like

I totally agree. Of course, the piece could be meta and satirizing the type of person that would woefully misread something in an unthinkingly PC way, totally missing the point. But since it’s Jezebel, I’m guessing it’s not doing that. The poem pretty clearly has very little to do with China and a lot to do with

Applies to Hamilton Nolan, Jordan “I ate a banana” Sargent and Sam Biddle as well.

yup, at least that’s how i read it at least.

This article could make an atheist believe in Hell.

I want to take my social cues from you but you’re a figment of Abbi’s drug addled mind so I’m not sure if I should.

  • Dakota Johnson hates her stepdad, Antonio Banderas, because he started dating someone 20 years younger than he is.

There are so many people who would only benefit from far, far less attention. Exhibit A.

As always, a old man who abstains from sex knows exactly what us child-bearing-age sluts are thinking!

Trump irl.

And, as any good narcissist would, he sees his children only as extensions of himself, as trophies or status symbols.

I also believe he sees it as a point of pride for himself. “Look at what a fuckable creature I have created. By the transitive property I am therefore more fuckable myself”