I do remember enjoying the fries and eating them so quickly and aggressively that my date did not get to have very many.
I do remember enjoying the fries and eating them so quickly and aggressively that my date did not get to have very many.
someone once said “i don’t have kids and have no problem with paying more taxes for schools, because i don’t want to live in a nation of idiots”
you raid our uteri, we’ll raid your home. QUID PRO QUO, FUCKFACE.
to work every day
She has a long history of homophobia against gay men, especially effeminate men, which is in no way justified by her being bisexual or having a lesbian sister.
Because lord knows being gay and/or having gay relatives makes you incapable of homophobia.
Well said fellow history nerd!
It’s not cool to wish a “train” on people even when they pissed you off.
I was in a used bookstore once and was browsing a copy of a social history of Paris. The first line went something like, “If you could travel to 18th-century Paris you wouldn’t be able to stay long” and described in almost loving detail what it would have smelled like, indoors and out. Wasn’t it also Louis XVI and…
I know! Tons of people have read the comics. Why do you need to have that cliffhanger just to drag things down?
I have always considered indoor plumbing to be one of the greatest gifts of modernism. And one which no one should ever take for granted.
my insides reading this just clenched all up and fucking down I hate the past so so much.
This was the highlight of my day. Thank you. <3
Well researched and cited! To the black with you!
Buzzfeed did this last week...
Buzzfeed did this last week.
Whaaat? If think this song is subpar Lorde and others, should I try some more for the sake of diversity ?
Okay, but the cake they let me eat better not be that “raindrop” nonsense.