Men 🚮🗑
Men 🚮🗑
I did as well. had 3 by 25 and ill be early 40's when they are off at school.
Makes total sense. Thanks for answering my intrusive question.
I never thought Id say this but at 32, whiskers are the BANE of my existence :(
Thank you for posting the picture! I was thinking I was going to have to look it up!! (and yes, this refrigerator apparently deserves all the exclamation points!!! fridge4evah!!!! /insomnia
You had a kid when you were 21?
Just think of all the mutton that's passed through those doors.
Oh dear.
I am 100% confident that my husband doesn’t even know what is a tinder. He’s like a 65 year old man trapped in a 33 year old’s body. But with the 65 year old’s jeans.
Which one was Mercy?
Did he know it was you? That’s wild.
That's a porn fantasy of his for sure! Friends hot mom! ;)
I sympathize with Charlize. I’m part bog-monster (on my mother’s side), and since the advent of CGI, it’s tough to get roles anymore. No one wants to hire an actual monster when ILM can just whip up some green-screen thingy instead.
I know how Charlize feels. My posts would get more stars if I wasn’t so hot.*
“How many roles are out there for the gorgeous, fucking, gown-wearing eight-foot model?”
Sometimes it’s hard for me to cut the line at McDonald’s because I’m not that hot.
Holy Jesus, I’ve lived alone since 2008. I would legit murder a roommate unless we were perfectly compatible and I can think of one human being I know who fits that bill.
I wonder how much the communal space is actually used versus people holing up in the bedrooms with their gadgets or only being home for sleep.