The poster was clearly commenting on how the Daily Mail chose to report the story. The “evidence” that you’re citing in no way challenges the OP’s point.
The poster was clearly commenting on how the Daily Mail chose to report the story. The “evidence” that you’re citing in no way challenges the OP’s point.
porn star, to me and I’m guessing others based on the reaction, has a much more negative connotation than “adult performer”
That’s a ripe load of bullshit. The Daily Mail chose to use two different terms in their article, and it’s no mistake that they chose to use the term with negative connotations for her and the term with more neutral connotations for him. This kind of thing doesn’t happen in a vacuum.
I want someone to take me to Swank Poodletown, even more than Funkytown.
It’s hilarious to me that walking with a cane is less of a fashion faux pas than not wearing heels.
Neither a C3PO nor an R2D2 be.
Can’t they find a Dane to play the part?
In the late 90s we had a serial rapist in my area who used a blue light to pull women over (I cannot recall if he actually had a police uniform?) But also, my state sells old police cruisers in the surplus auction every year (also they are crown vics and ford tauruses for the most part around here, so not that hard to…
I can’t believe the lead singer of the Plasmatics is (a) alive (b) black (c) issuing hot takes on the regular.
The fake cop thing has actually happened. Obviously as you say fake name is more likely. Either way, it’s conceivable it was a fake cop, but the fact they filed a lawsuit against the department suggests they believe he’s a real cop or they’re stonewalling on investigating the matter.
There were 2 reasons I chose our pediatrician, and it was based on negative Yelp reviews.
The above doesn’t necessarily mean that he wasn’t in his personal vehicle before he returned, but it certainly implies it.
Oh, I agree; that’s almost certainly what happened. Just pointing out that it’s a lot easier to impersonate a cop than many people assume.
Definitely do this if you are being pulled over in a remote location (especially at night).
Old police cruisers are often sold off at auction; with some new paint and auto work, you could make it look convincing enough. And you can find close-looking uniforms online pretty easily. Not saying that this is the most likely thing to have happened(if he had a fake cop car, why would he need to return in his…
Yikes! Being pulled over by myself at night is my number one nightmare situation with a cop. You’re completely at their mercy.
reading is hard
If you still miss the time when Deadspin took over Jezebel for April Fools’ Day