mental iceberg

Standing up to wipe makes NO SENSE. You are closing up shop when you stand up! What are you wiping - the outer cheek?

Yeah, the Jez crew is winning today. DS really needs to step their game up.

This guy is prolly so hot irl.

Can we make Jezpin a regular occurrence? Like casual Fridays.

She and Marco Rubio were spotted last week together sipping from the same cup of oil. It is rumored they are a couple.

Is this supposed to be an April Fools joke, because I don’t get this at all...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm just picturing some of the Deadspin writers trying real hard to come up with funny mock Jezebel articles, but going through great lengths to avoid anything that could even hint at sexism. I feel like you guys got the short end of the stick here, because making fun of sports is a lot


“Damn Lena”

I brush after the coffee! I swear.

he has no teeth, so he has nothing to brush

Tilly is very beautiful but needs a hat.

In the World of Felines the One-Eyed Cat is QUEEN

Baby animals FTW.

He’s absolutely going to put the ugliest hats on earth on your dead head.

What did you expect when you started putting hats on cats?

Is this a picture of your kitty?

Jo says he was flooded with abusive and hateful messages after Ditty was charged.

I’d have to say that deadspin is winning right now.
