Mental Drifter

Helpful hint. Touch the insulation on the plugs when high-draw equipment is operating and touch any extension cords. They can be warm, but should not be hot. If they are hot, have an electrician replace the socket or get a heavier duty extension cord, depending on what is heated. This is especially true if there’s a

Your query illustrates exactly the trap that DACA turned out to be. These kids grew up in Arizona (along with thousands of others in Texas, Florida and yes, even North Carolina) but are now re-labeled “alien,” even though they have always resided and paid (often overpaid) taxes in Arizona, and deserve to pay in state

This is rich coming from a site, that the last time I checked, had over 20 ad tracking platforms installed and watching me every time I visit. Every one of them attempting to predict and change my behavior.

Meh. Bad things happen to bad people.

I am completely fine with revenge porn attacks for Sandy Hook deniers.

Again, it goes back to what I said. The justice system largely takes care of people who hurt kids, both in terms of the law as well as what happens to you in prison. People don’t need to go into vigilante mode.

Why not just do what we did in 1994 and 2010? In the first case the Clinton administration turned a pretty hefty Federal deficit (about $220-billion in 1993 dollars, about 4% of GDP) to a surplus, and in the process they also took unemployment down from about 7.5% to about 4%. In the second case, the Obama

Michelle Wolf followed the Muppets. If you had your eyes closed you’d think it was still a Muppet on stage.

Wow, you are one glorious piece of work.

Jimmy, an apology to a sensible human being is admirable. However, that sensibility is absent in Hannity; note his enema bag response.

What is this coveted status Tony Robbins and George Will seem to think accusers enjoy? These turds think Anita Hill or Rose McGowan or Andrea Constand are walking around with a #MeToo punch card where if you accuse nine high profile men of sexual misconduct, you get a free mani/pedi with the tenth accusation.

i im using computers every day since 1989, and i don’t need glasses, maybe you are too weak for computers. Putting this here because..... fuck it. I’m still in the Grays, no one will see.

You can get a flu shot at pretty much any Walgreen’s or CVS clinic. I think it costs $10.

I don’t want to say it. Because then I’d have to accept that its gone beyond saving: that society is rotten to its core... and can’t be fixed as is. I don’t want to see it all gone. More importantly I’ve got blood on the other side of the line. And they belong to 45 hook, line and sinker.

I wil never cease to be amazed by these Parkland survivors like Hogg.

Yeah, so fuck you, too. Nobody cares about your hate-boner, bruh.

Yessir, nothing like censorship.

Said it before, I care about two things as regards my personal information:

At this point if “you” are still on Facebook actively posting