
I agree. I also think there is no one that could’ve beaten Trump. Everyone underestimated the power of racism and small mindedness.

I do have to LOL/headdesk/cry at the people who are like, “We could have had Bernie or Joeeeeee!!!

Quite frankly, it’s the complexity and contradictions that make her especially interesting — not to mention her achievements.

(Full disclosure: I am a historian of US women’s history.) Sanger was absolutely a product of her time, but it’s ahistorical to judge her based on modern ideas and values. She was so focused on the birth control movement that she was willing to ally with almost anyone and speak to almost anyone (even the Women’s

I wonder if any of it would have mattered. Like you stated at the end of the article, Trump did literally every single thing wrong that is normally required for a traditional campaign to be successful and still won.

Yes, I love the way you mention her and all they can talk about is racism and eugenics. Not like, the millions of people PP has helped. She is held to a different standard. Saw the same thing with HRC.

Can we agree that she was a somewhat flawed woman that ended up doing great things for women despite those flaws?

Her misfortune, her tragic mistake, was taking up with those who were racists and not seeing where their policies led. But here’s the rub. The men who touted eugenics have not gone down in history’s hall of shame. If you do an online search of Teddy Roosevelt, or the African-American civil rights activist W.E.B.

Thomas Jefferson, beloved framer, owner and rapist of slaves. His good deeds seem to weigh more heavily with history. His misdeeds should not be forgotten, and neither should Sanger’s, but her mission and organization have contributed a net positive to society, hands down.

Well, the joke’s on them, because I’m going to start wishing everyone Feliz Navidad.

Is it good news or bad news that the 86% of people who approve of his transition so far have no idea what the fuck is happening in his transition so far?

Nice. Now he can pat himself on the back with how he “compromised.” The Heartbeat Bill was merely a distraction.

Is she wearing a Snapchat filter? Because it looks like a flower coronet is on her head.

In fact, I realized the mistake immediately after publishing and thus before I read all of your comments. I’m glad to be held accountable, in fact I expect it, but do please remember—all of you—that a human being is reading your comments. It was an honest mistake born from reading quickly — too quickly in this case.

This show looks terrible and I’m not planning on watching it but...daaaaaaaaamn. Stamos can still get it.

I’m sorry that your life is so shallow and bitter that you can’t find the empathy to see the joy in this.

If I was reading this and that song came on, they’d have to carry me off the train. lol

I just got my heart gently broken by the kindest, sweetest man I’ve ever met, so I was already an emotional wreck, and then I read this and I just burst into tears. This strong, beautiful woman. I can only hope I find a love like she had, and I hope that she’s able to find it again.

He died in a terrible accident and his girlfriend wanted a photo of the two of them together. Why are you shitting on this?