
I’m surprised not to see OKCupid, Tinder, or Ashley Madison receive a shout-out, here. A main reason for jitters in this modern era is the same as it was for me when I attended a university with a larger population than my natal city (that is, 40,000 students, most of them on the make): the marketplace of romantic

“ seems that this act was directed towards his ex-girlfriend, towards whom he had a violent history of domestic abuse.”

I would really like a _My Super Sweet 16: Where are they now?_ with all the original spoiled brats.

The woman was travelling with 2 babies. I hardly think needing a stroller is being a dick.

Nah in this case it actually helps. The fact that someone would be willing to do that even if its a act of macho bravery makes it more legit in the sense that this isnt just a crazy woman crying hysteria while the attendant was just “doing his job”. (huge run on sentence, i know)

“The voice of the average, blue-collar American isn’t necessarily represented in Hollywood.”

What is this internalised misogyny of which you speak? Is it widespread?

Bobby, though I would miss you terribly if you ever left Jezebel, I think you have found your true calling, writing the scripts for the “reality” show known as KUWTK.

Sometimes when I see ridiculous commercials, I try to imagine what that pitch meeting must have been like, and I feel like the phrase “protest is the new brunch” was uttered in this one.

Any statement on sexual assault from Donald should begin with “I’m deeply sorry for all of the times I’ve sexually assaulted women” and should end with his resignation. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.

Whew, glad we got that sorted! So nice to know where you stand on Mischa Barton.

It’s true, but it’s also true that she said she stopped wearing makeup because of the unrealistic expectations for appearance that women face, so wearing makeup and pretending you aren’t wearing makeup is just as bad as photoshop and crazy contouring in terms of setting up unreasonable expectations for how women

I had to check the date to make sure it was not April 1st. Truly.

This. If you want to use your body to make babby, it makes sense that you would stress out about the lady body’s well-documented tendency to stop making babby with age. Snarking on those people who worry about that in the name of feminism is bonkers.

I don’t get the snark regarding Amanda Seyfried’s eggs. If that’s how she feels, that’s how she feels. I think there’s this narrative surrounding modern women according to which all thoughts and conversations about biological clocks and “baby fever” must be suppressed, lest you turn your feminist card over. But some

“Anthony says she’s often whispered about in bars”

She reminds me of the kirsten dunst character from fargo season 2. Looks normal, even kinda acts normal, but beneath the exterior something is fundamentally flawed in the software.

She killed her daughter, whether it was negligence or intentional. And she sleeps “pretty good at night” with the knowledge that her daughter is dead. Wow.

I think this entire thing is really worrying, but what is really pissing me off is his misuse of “McCarthyism” considering that he is starting witch hunts himself. Talk about projection...