
I think I hate him less because I hate Trump so much. I don’t have enough malice to go around.

When W. is the voice of reason, things are quite fucked up.

Great actress, cringe worthy speech.

Totally disagree (and agree with the writer). Horowitz was ridiculous and childish - basically yelling into the microphone as if he was elected to do the job (he spoke 1st and the 3rd guy was up there). He yanked the card out of Warren’s hand who was trying to provide it.

Rich is just being a smug asshole.

You’re absolutely correct. Not sure why Rich felt the need to attack the people who just had an award taken from them just because they made a movie he didn’t like

You can disagree with someone without hating them! I love Viola Davis but I thought one statement in her speech was off. Doesn’t mean I’ll stop seeing her movies. I just think she was wrong.

The way he grabbed the envelope from Beatty was kind of a dickish move.

She is so wonderful but then...
The statement about being the only profession to celebrate what it means to live a life was so horrendously misguided and ultimately insulting...that is what many of us strive to do in many different ways.

I’ve always liked Viola. I was happy to see her win. I’m still happy for her, but that speech killed the moment for me.

I’m a fan of genuine artists but her speech made me cringe a little and a lot.

I found it contrived and pretentious. She was totally acting the lines from her speech. I found it even more unconvincing re watching the clip here. They should have played her off.

lol wut? It’s quite literally what she said. If you want to ignore it for whatever cosmic reasons you have, that’s a you thing, but she most certainly did that.

I like her a lot but I didn’t really like the self-praising comment about how theirs is the only profession that celebrates life or something like that..

Yes Viola, we know you can act. Get over yourself.  That speech was pure unadulterated horse shit.

“…because we are the only profession that celebrates what it means to live a life.”

We can talk about that, but let’s not pretend that suddenly capitalism is an issue when a Black woman is rich and famous as fuck. Let’s not criticize every famous Black woman who says she’s a feminist while praising famous white women for the bare minimum. And let’s not dismiss Beyonce for being sexual while praising

Same. Although she had a point to be made about Beyonce and Capitalism, but we’re not allowed to talk about that so.....

She lost me with her comments on white feminism. It’s not just power, it’s the power and cluelessness that whiteness affords.

So are we a host when we have a penis inside us? Does that penis belong to us while we are hosting it? Can we do with it whatever we want? Just asking.