
Increasingly, it appears that in fact, we did vote for her. Not only in the majority, but the electoral college as well.

All these machinations about how to kick Trump out of office now, or limit his power, when all we had to fucking do was vote for Hillary Clinton in the first place.

It’s easy.

The future is always inevitable. That’s how time works.

I’ve been listening to a podcast about the Civil War. As a foreigner I didn’t learn much about American history in school and now that I live here I feel the need to learn it in order to understand the country better. And forgive my naiveté but I had no idea racism and white supremacy were so deeply ingrained into the

Craft thread!

It was the biggest Electoral College victory in the history of 2016 elections! You just have to limit your focus until it’s true.

The election ended a long time ago in one of the biggest Electoral College victories in history.

The infuriating part of this story is that the Obama administration sat on their hands while they knew this was happening. We needed Obama, seated at his desk on prime time television, addressing the nation and alerting us that foreign powers were manipulating our election in an unprecedented way. Who cares about how

Seriously though, fuck Assange. He’s not a whistleblower or someone looking to spread the truth, he’s for sale to the highest bidder.

Hillary would be hanged for treason if the Russians helped her...The GOP have no ethics or morals so they’ll let it pass and block any special inquiry into this. Oh well. Plus ça change plus c’est pareil.

I also loved “The luckiest woman in the world, Oprah’s BFF Gayle King” because where is the lie?

This is our first Xmas with baby, so we’ll see how far we get but right now our intention is to buy her “something she wants, something she needs, something she wears, something she reads”. Like I said long term who knows if this is realistic but here’s hoping. Since she’s 8 months old for her “want” I’m honestly

Get them a gas mask. Children will think they are cool as hell. They’ll wear it for Halloween and everything and it’ll be useful.

Who do you work for, Mattel?

No kids here either. . . but I vote they get science kits from Santa to prepare them for one day inheriting an earth that has become a toxic wasteland.

Yep. I don’t have kids so I’m gonna watch all the parents weigh in. *joins you*

YAS! I want to be BFF’s with Georgia and Karen. My BFF and I are trying to catch them at the Chicago Podcast Fest next month!

Are you a murderino too?

Oooh, I remember this case from one of my murder podcasts. While the fight may have been instigated by her or started on ‘equal’ ground (both acting a fool/crazy/drunk rage), he should have let her go when she said she wanted to leave. I’m surprised that he was cleared on everything. How terrible for her family to