
Did you know the rom size for Super Mario World is under half a megabyte? People can do wonders with a limited amount of space... just not modern programmers spoiled by huge storage perhaps.

Off-topic but I can’t seem to star any comments here. It just yanks the page back to the top.

I decided to give Dragon Age Inquisition another chance seeing as it was quite cheap. I remember it being really boring because the combat wasn’t great and the story felt really slow.
This time I took the advice to leave the Hinterlands as soon as possible and the story and other characters kind of save it. I get that

Yeah, shut your hole, ozone!

Ignoring that some consoles have really neat box art (See box art for the Japanese Virtual Boy), no, I don’t think consoles are known for their box art, which made such an article sound really interesting to me. I thought there would be some pretty weird bundles or unique cross-branding, because Japan.

Assume that, and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy

The craziest part too me is how far we have come in the last 100 years or so. Think about all of human history and what humans have created, then think about the last 100 years and what we have done. We are moving at a rocket pace. I cant even imagine what coming in the next 100 hell even the next 20 years.


I’m the one describing it, and it’s my opinion of it, so yes. Your mileage may vary.

I’ve been stuck on chapter 13 of Uncharted 4 (on Crushing) for weeks. I can feel myself drifting away from the game, so I think I’ll knock the difficulty down a notch and pick the game back up again this weekend.

That’s understandable. Well if you happen to remember this message when you get done reading it, I wouldn’t be angry at a future reply. I’m always open to a book recommendation.

Money has always had this much of a swing over talent. Always. It just wasn’t reported as much, that’s all. Do your research. Look at how many pay drivers there were on the F1 grid in the 1980's and 90's. Every bit as many as now.

I’m really excited for this, but I got into Adventure games with Monkey Island. I hope their follow up to this game is something along the lines of MI. Or in the MI style. I don’t have quite the same nostalgia for Maniac Mansion.

I guarantee money had more to do with a seat in the early days of F1.

I still can’t comprehend that my 2008 model Toyota will be 10 years old next year since its build date was in 2007. I still think the 90's was around 10 years ago, and I’m certainly not ready for the prospect of saying I’m 30 in 3 years. I mean the 80's were only 20 years ago, right?

I’m about to become 31 years old in two months time.

I mean as bad as it is, it’s essentially shitty graffiti. Not a violent crime. Punishment seems appropriate though I agree the fine should be heavier.

You know what’s depressing about Let It Go? Having former classmates tell you “My daughter won’t stop sin...” Stoooooooop Stop talking right now! Old old old old old old ooooooooooooold T_T

I will NEVER complain about a delay. No matter the game. We live in a gaming era where far too many incomplete games are released. Delay, delay, delay. I don’t want patches.