
So maybe it is just me, but it actually looked to me like her lips were imperfectly synced for the “scripted” part, but that her head motions and lip syncing were perfect for the “outtake” part at the end. THAT was more creepy, and I loved it.

The real problem is that stupid shit like this simply detracts and dilutes actual problems related to such issues. That’s one of the reasons you get so much push back. If you keep hunting for reasons to be offended people eveutslly just say “Fuck it” and quit trying not to offend.

Can’t wait to tackle real world problems once all the perceived problems have been addressed.

It’s Christmas, so time for special snowflakes.

Is this Gizmodo now? Will you guys just find something cool or pretty every day then pick it apart? It’s tiresome.

Don’t see anything.

That’s just how it starts, eventually it’s get very messy.

I just picked up Dragon Quest 7 for my trip down to Alabama to visit family, hopefully it works well as my “boy, I sure don’t want to talk politics” distraction.

Vaan is terrible the way Tidus is terrible, in that it does very little damage to the quality of the game overall. Never beat XII before (I did a shit job of speccing my characters and ran into a corner) I’m holding out for the polish-up once it releases to dive back in.

Bullshit... give that chimp 3 more rounds and it’ll figure it out and actually start playing simple games with the Vr... they are smart enough

I really hate the hypocrisy of “cute” animals and how they are valued more.

By this time in the day most of us have consumed animal products where they animals where kept in less than ideal conditions. But then again, no one really thinks chickens are cute.

Hudson is currently the biggest hack writing for Gizmodo. After getting fired from Vice (which is a feat in its own right), he never lost the hipster attitude about everything, yet is decidedly partisan. He’s so terrible I actually miss Alissa.

I really like domino’s since they changed their crust a few years ago. It’s cheap too.

Domino’s isn’t my favorite pizza, but i still find it odd this whole article was about lambasting it in an attempt at humor. The drone stuff would of held on its own. What are you, a secret papa johns pr person? Or do you buy fancy $7 dollar slices that you unioned bloggers probably think is a bargain?

You should probably mention that they’re also now going to add voiceover for lines that were previously unvoiced. The delay is so that they can create a better localization. So we get dual audio, more voiceover, and even better translations.

It’s a bigass game and localization takes forever.

I call “worth it”, still.

“dual audio” worth it.

A lot of that boils down to whether or not you think progress is key to a pleasurable game experience. If you’re an achiever (on the Bartle scale), then you’re gonna hate treading water or doing the daily grind if there’s no big payoff. You want bigger numbers, better gear, and rarer achievements. But some folks have