Cap'n Jack Sparrow

I'll believe it when I buy one for 2019.

"The 3 and the S are so much alike in appearance. I'll need to carry a tape measure with me in order to tell them apart."

The 3 hasn't been seen in public yet, therefor you cant compare the appearances of the two, so SHHHHHHTOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S.: Married, baby on the way, love my wife/best friend more than anything/one.

Funny, I didnt see it on the dealer lots when I drove into work this morning...

................................................................TESLA HASNT EVEN SHOWN A PROTOTYPE YET!

Time for you to move closer to work!

So you are the 10% of Americans who's commute is greater than 50 miles...

Ram only had a 287 V-8 and the HEMI (345) V8 that year...

Also, the bed liner they put in mine didn't use screws. I know my dads old Ram had screws....but mine definitely doesn't have any screws.

I wanted Black, but they dont offer it with metallic flake.....and I love me some flakes!

I think now I would have gone with white...much easier to incorporate visual aftermarket parts/mods.

1. OK, for starters, you are comparing the old style Chevy to the (until recently new) Ford. Even now, the Ford is using carry-over motors for the 2015 redesign.

GM employee discount + $1,000 private letter offer + I'm an ass = 2k, lol

I agree for now, but I feel like with the RAM 8-Speed, Chevy has a real competitor on its hands.
It really comes down to towing and RAM IRS setup vs. Chevy's live rear axle...if I didnt get my Grandpa's employee discount on my Silverado, I might have gone RAM :/

Exactly, or you could have been a moron and bought a more expensive AL '15 F150 and gotten WORSE mileage and LESS Power.

Perfect for you then!

My trucks max towing capacity is 9,600 lbs...I put 10,500lbs on it (Had it weighed at a station). Taking off is fine, turning or cornering was ok, but braking was a little scary. I'm going to limit myself to 9,000 lbs going forward.

I have the 3.42 rear end, but from what I hear, going all the way from a 3.08 rear end to the 3.73 only makes a small difference in the real world, like .5 MPG.

YES YES YES! My friend has the '12 5.3L as well, 4x4 extended cab.


I agree with everything except the towing. In theory you can tow that much with that frame, but I wouldn't want to. Based on my experience with a slightly older Tuscon, I;m not towing anything above 4-5k pounds...not beefy enough frame.

I bought my '14 Silverado LT with the following for $33,500 out the door, tax

Yes, from personal experience, N/A V-8's come pretty close to their EPA #'s: My Silverado's 5.3L Ec0-Tec3 - Averaging 19 with EPA Combined rating of 18, a buddies 5.0L F150 averaging 16.5 with EPA combined rating of 16, while another friends 3.5L "ECO"-boost averaging 16 when it rated at 17.

I know its small amounts,

Ford has been unnecessarily heavy with their trucks even with the new AL bodied trucks. Its either all eco, or all boost with their engines. The 3.5L CAN get pretty good mileage, but like you said, you have to drive extremely easy.