Cap'n Jack Sparrow

Can? Did. Lake Orion to Cadillac up I-75 and back. I only did 65 MPH so that I dont constantly speed up/slow down. It was a light boat (Guessing 1k pounds?), with 7 peeps. Averaged 19.6 MPG for the trip by using GM's readout and 19.7 by doing the math myself between fill ups.

YESSSS! I'm considering lifting/leveling the fron of the '14 Silverado just for this reason!

I'm just glad its still mounted on the column!!

What are your fuel economy expectations for a roughly 3 ton vehicle DESIGNED to haul 7 people, tow 4 tons with ease, be off-road "capable", and have a 6 second 0-60 time?

People sacrifice $2,000 a year in fuel in order to have the things I just mentioned above. Don't knock full-size SUV's just for being full-size

It will be pronounced, "ATS-V".

Save for the fact that the "eco"-BOOST is down 60 HP and 40 FT-LB's of torque...

You can keep your Sienna.

Andrew you're so silly. Us semi-rednecks in Michigan don't have "scary moments" in driving. Our driving scale ends at "Hold my beer and watch this!".

"How many Torques does it have?"

When those things are unloaded at the end and are coming off WOT for a dab of panic break....they get a little squirrely...whats going through their minds? Like, "lol im drag racing my Semi, oh look time to stop XX tons of sulfer spewing madness before I start bulldozing through small villages."

I just want to order my Tesla like I order my new TV's. Online and hassle free.

Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally

When you gave the car back, were you sobbing uncontrollably whilst incoherently muttering 'Murica?

His "O" face at 3:50....priceless

Hi Matt,

I would echo BogBlock440's comment, I think the whole "Dodge-trans's-go-boom" is overblown (Pun intended).

Exactly, I wonder how many buyers will be lining up to pay $10,000 more for the "Al-lum-min-ee-um" Ford when the Ram and Silverado counterparts get conservatively only 1-2 MPG's less in the real world with proven technology. #pass

Please tell me where this truck is on sale at? Oh wait its not. I'm so glad they give this truck the award, when we all know it will not have rebate on launch and cost 8-10k more than the Silverado and Ram while producing insignificant gains in terms of real world fuel economy.

Yes I've done the math, I'm a CPA.

Yes, I was yelling at Matt.

Now that I commented I've been watching closely during my driving. The big one which kicks it into V8 mode is going up a steep grade or going into a headwind and trying to accelerate at all.