
Listen, you're not getting this. It doesn't matter what your political persuasion is. I searched online for your figures and could only find them stated in conservative political blogs such as the Heritage Network. I would be too embarrassed to call my self a Republican as well, but that doesn't mean your views are

Yes, if you wanted Windows Phone 8 and didn't have any money to spend, this would work, but you're really taking a big hit in performance and specs for just $100 savings. But, there are better phones to be had for free with a new contract than this. The true value in this phone is for people who would buy it outright.

You are god damned wrong. Your numbers are based on base tax rates. That doesn't take into account write offs and loopholes that actually allow all Americans to pay much less in taxes. The federal government's gross revenues have been less than $2.5 trillion each year since the beginning of the recession. That's less

Both parties recognize that we've got to cut the deficit. The Republican strategy is to see how much money they can cut from Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare. Democrats are fighting for a much more balanced solution. The consequence of going over the fiscal cliff, in addition to the expiring of all Bush era tax

If you're going to sign a new contract, you might as well pay the extra $100 and get the Lumia 920. I know some people might not be able to afford that, but as far as value, that extra $100 gets you so much more. Even if you can't afford that $100, you could get an iPhone 4 or 4s for free with contract from a couple

Haha, sorry, I actually thought the HTC was heavier. You were right the first time. It's 42% heavier, but my actual point still stands. It's still not really heavy at all. If anything it feels solid. I've never even noticed the weight, but I do notice that it fits better in my pocket than my iPhone 4 ever did.

Well, then I'm not sure what his problem was. Perhaps he didn't catch your sarcasm and actually thought you were bragging about your job (not that it's a bad job.) In that case, he should be more embarrassed for being that thick.

You replied to the wrong person :)

Interesting. I guess I need to spend more time on the East Coast!

Funny thing is, I would be willing to bet you are the only one who notices it. You would be surprised how many people feel that way. I used to feel like everyone was staring at me when in large groups. Then, I just learned to realize that every person in a crowd is so worried about how they look to everyone else that

Reminds me of the character from Life of Pi. He was named Piscine, after a famous pool from the time in Paris. Obviously, his classmates quickly turned it into a joke about pissing, but he was able to convince everyone to call him Pi by calculating Pi to a an amazing number of digits.

A bit of the problem is the feeling that people get around people who are different. Deaf people are very normal, but it is a common reaction to feel unsure of how to react to that person. Perhaps you could have asked how to say something in sign language to make a more meaningful connection.

Where you are from, is the standard term 'standing on line?' I'm not trying to be mean, I've just never heard that before. We say standing in line.

Yeah, that's a total dick move. Was your friend a girl? Guy was probably felt threatened by you and wanted to belittle you.

Uhh, less than 30% more. Try your math again. The link you provided is simply someone's opinion of what heavy is. I'm not saying the phone is for everyone, but it's not going to pull your pants down unless you are wearing very loose fitting pants everyday. In that case, your pants will probably fall down anyway, and

They had to stir up controversy somehow. Forget that the Lumia 920 beats the 8X in every category, weighing a tiny bit more automatically makes it a worse phone.

Fair enough. Like I said, all of those apps you are talking about will come soon. You have to remember that Windows Phone 8 just launched.

I laugh out loud all the time. Maybe you need funnier friends?

I don't think 55 grams would really make a difference in whether or not it pulls your pants down, but I understand. The 8x is a nice phone as well, I just don't think it is quite as good as the Lumia 920.

Dropbox will be coming to Windows phone along with a ton of the other programs you use on Android or iOS. It's really not an issue. Sky Drive is better in my opinion and syncs perfectly with Windows Phone. Gmail and calendar are not a problem at all, and like Zach said, the other things you use have equal or better