
I have to be honest, I don't notice the weight thing at all with the Lumia 920. If anything, the size of the screen and reaching to different spots with my thumb is the biggest issue, but that's not even really an issue, especially when I watch videos on that beautiful screen! The 8x is a nice phone, but it is surely

I completely agree with the need to make our government programs more efficient and less susceptible to fraud. I am from a very conservative area of the country (despite it being Illinois) and most my conservative friends feel the same way. It just seems the internet brings out the worst side of that argument out in

Awesome! I love all the shows Richard Hammond does. He's a funny little guy.

I must apologize. I am being a bit too serious about this. I guess I'm just so used to ignorant comments from conservatives refusing to take pity for the poor. Your original post made me feel like you were trying to make fun of the situation, but I agree that the media does take advantage of these situations and

Maybe we should just shoot everyone named Ashley in increments. There's got to be plenty of you that are worthless to the human race. It would save us on money spent for special needs classes.

This is your reply to this story? Really?

It's just as unfair to assume the guy guilty. Like a woman has never falsely accused a man of abuse. It's kind of silly to take a side either way.


The Dark Knight series is based on the comic book series of the same name. It was supposed to be dark and edgy. Bond should have a bit of cheesiness to it, but the kind of cheesiness that existed during the 90's Bond movies just didn't hit the mark in the same way that the Bond of old did. I do feel like Skyfall was a

Sean Connery was the absolute best bond. Roger Moore was better than Brosnan. The entire series up until Craig had it's own style of cheesiness. That was more a result of the time period and what was expected of a movie. The problem with Brosnan's bond is that they tried too much to go over the top, and Brosnan was

Brosnan may have the slickest shot in this instance, but he was the absolute worst bond! He was cheesy. It doesn't help that his movies were some of the worst produced, but it also doesn't help that he's faux-suave.


Is that slowed down, or is that just my computer? I don't think the song has the same flair at that speed. The lights are nice.

Ha! I just switched from an iPhone 4 to the Lumia 920. My iPhone froze up majorly at least six times in the year and a half that I had it. One time, I had to wait for the thing to die before I could restart it. My Lumia restarted once on me during an update. Yeah, I think I'll stick with my Lumia.

What?! The process of developing and passing a bill is much more complex than you understand. Bills are scrutinized and revised a thousand times. Nothing is done overnight.

Not at all. Simply legislating for the sake of preventing legislation is not something that will protect the internet. Laws go both ways. They can both hinder and protect. If you are that dim that you believe that we may not encounter a new threat in the next two years that would need to be immediately addressed,

This is absolutely no different than the original proposal. If a law has to wait two years to go into effect, that is the same as not being able to pass a law for two years. There is no reason to put shackles on Congress when it comes to any type of lawmaking. If you want to prevent unjust or unneeded laws from being

Thanks for this! I know people may not like ads, but they are there for a reason. If you are going to use someone else's work without paying them for it, the least you could do is let a tiny ad flash in the corner.

Nice try, dude. You can purchase Windows computers in many different forms from many different manufacturers. The basic point of the article that you linked is that some manufacturers are still including bloatware, but that doesn't mean that is always the case. If you don't want bloatware, purchase a Samsung computer

Oh, I'm sure it will be effective in a lot of countries. I'm just saying that as a Korean company, this is most certainly a solution they thought of based on one of their own problems.