That cargo cover should have open to reveal a Jacuzzi...
That cargo cover should have open to reveal a Jacuzzi...
"Only Subaru is missing? SACREBLEU!!! "
Sad to hear this one go. Imagine a Sedan that performed almost like the Veyron. Fun for 4. Sign me up (most likely on a passenger seat because I sure as hell couldn't afford one)! But you see, this was a chance for Volkswagen to keep on milking the Veyron power plant. One has to remember that they lost money on every…
The only kind of automatic that driver needs is an automatic weapon because America! That way he could have thwarted those knife carrying thieves from the start, argues Fox News.
Simplistic beauty, I hate the look of many of today's fat & button overloaded steering wheels in modern cars.
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It's a dangerous race for all parties involved; riders/drivers, officials, spectators and press. Just the vast distance that it travels makes it hard to control. Sad news indeed.
I'm assuming his public transport plan allows you to smoke and drink in the buses since you are not driving.
So it's like an automatic [only] BRZ on steroids. Probably a lot heavier and softer too.
I just don't think the filter blends that well with the machinery at hand.
My inner ricer is rejoicing. Long live the WRX and EVO wings!
I don't care if you complain about the led lighting. They kept that square-ish shoulder at the back, made it look modern while keeping a design cue that has differentiated Volvo from the rest. Your argument is invalid.
True, but it would also depend on the shooting distance.
Playing NFS Rivals made me think they should develop a system like the ShockRam. That could end pursuits pretty rapidly. Or a spike strip that could be shot from the front of the car to the rear tires.
Cant wait to crush this around the winter roads!
Marquez fell and recovered. That magical elbow:
I think it depends, when up shifting 3rd gear is 1st because it just travels in an easy straight line to 4th. Usually no force is needed to the point that you could switch gears with your pinky. When down shifting 4th is 1st, because of the above as well.
What happens when you post such news on OPPO at 6:53 AM??? Probably nobody will read.
Matt, I just hope you were not "Drunk in love" this morning while being behind the wheel.
I wish they kept the Bug-ish eyes to be honest. It really made them distinct on the road. Now it's hard to tell apart almost all the new cars, though the leds and daytime running lights in some cases help (Audi with its wiggly LEDS, BMW with its Halo), but the new Mercs can just as easily be confused with a Hyundai.