
O Henry . . .

what you missed while Kige was contemplating Gardner Webb-induced suicide by Madballs mask asphyxiation

@Matt_T: it's okay. he's can't hurt you anymore.

Has Gifford gone hunting with Cheney lately?

Length of hose exponentially reduces fear of backwash.

maybe he would have played better if he didn't have a knife folded in his uniform.


SportsNation Radio - "Answer me, damnit!!"

I think Charlie Batch and Rodney Peete should write a book together or something. Call it

Have you seen the NFC West? three games under .500 is still winning the division, kids.

if you don't have an excuse for work, here's one that always works: explosive diarrhea.

what they don't show is Tim Duncan's car being far more consistant, less entertaining, and better performing.

I can see why they are upset, but leave the talented jamband moe. out of this.

holy crud, the HTML is well-formatted.

since when is Indianapolis knows as "Nap Town" and how does Nantz not deserve to get crotch-kicked for mentioning this yesterday?

funny, I thought the term "contract year" only pertained to impending free agency.

extract Tommy points for using "milquetoast"