Nick Nolte wants his damn shirt back
Nick Nolte wants his damn shirt back
@GlenAndersonLikesBoys: ...D'Angelo Brands, the juice-cum-power drink company that brought us DUH!...
Seeing Torre smile is just flat out creepy
@PenskeMaterial: and another five for the "cooling off" HOF period.
am I the only one who wants to know what happens to the ox fed with Derek afterbirth?
sorry for the faked oral
What you missed while egging the house that gave you the toothbrush instead of candy
@Gourmet Spud: I've been laughing at this for going on 12 hours. Get out of my head!
@Gary the No Trash Cougar: [contemplating Garcia joke]
@ClownForPound: in a word - "wow"
@preciousroy: still appreciating that one
don't hurt your index or its going to be hard to pick a winner.
Seatlle plans to offer a ten year contract
@Suss-ifus: Officer Hardass now is bench security for Pinella
Ozzie run!!
Gregg: if you retract your views on the movie industry, is that a reversal or an end around?
speaking of ham, try Bobby Valentine's restaurant in Stamford, CT. the service comes up short and everything is overdone.
Jesus vs. Santa
post your over/under for first in-season arrest here
@lieutenant winslow: nominated for Comment of the Day.