
Which makes perfect sense and I can't make a good argument against doing it. What doesn't make sense is how a comment system that has been in use by the related sites for over four years is still so awful.

But if we all stopped complaining and let him fix the things we shouldn't be complaining about, then it would all be better.

Check behind the dryer.

But they own it and will fix everything in the future! Meanwhile, Kinja Tech guy is just saying "you'll stop complaining eventually" and the related sites have been using Kinja for over four years without glaring problems being fixed…

But a smarter decision than Fox Sports going to a video-only website.

But the sibling sites have been using Kinja for over four years (I'm not sure if it included comments for that entire time) and it's still one of the weakest comment systems I've seen anywhere online. I'm clearly not the only one who thinks that, given the references throughout these comments to things that Disqus and

Good luck trying this in-joke on Kinja, where it will end up in chronological order after 20 unrelated comments.

This community functions almost solely when off topic.

I understand that, in this comment section, you're Leslie Knope and we're the citizens of Pawnee at a town hall. That said, the problem is that Kinja's functionality does not align with how people here use the comment section. The lack of nested comments is a huge shortcoming, for one.

The only two helpful or positive things I've seen in the article and comments is that you're eliminating the "grays" for existing users and transferring posts. Otherwise, there's no answer for the fact that Kinja has significantly worse functionality that could potentially be improved in the future, but currently

I'm 27, I've watched some SNL from the era because I have two older brothers, and I have never heard of this character or sketch. So I really doubt that Soloway constantly hears from people about this character.

"Abstinence-only education! Problem solved." - The answer many (not all) of these people will give you.

Will anyone primary him? If not, they'll all line up to vote for him in November regardless.

Once for hardware, once for groceries, once for home goods…

I just think that the term "social justice warrior" is toxic. There are certainly people who, in a void, could be described using the term. People who think that they're fighting for social justice when they're actually hurting their cause in a number of ways and otherwise being bullies and transgressing other

The National hasn't fucked up yet. Plus their breakthrough didn't come until Alligator, their third album, and their first BNM wasn't until Boxer. Pitchfork actually rated Sad Songs higher than Alligator somehow.

There is a difference and Trump's is worse, but there's not a difference between the two that makes me ok with one and not the other. They're both intended solely to manipulate peoples' feelings.

I don't mind parents encouraging it. Have your kids engage with all politicians, companies, public figures, whoever you want. And those who receive letters are free to respond to them, it's better if they do. There are several examples of Obama visiting or otherwise contacting children who sent him letters, and that's

So Obama used a child's letter more tactfully while attempting to further his political goals? Trump's only political goal is to make himself look good and more wealthy, that's true, so he used a child's letter to further that goal.

Presumably they made it much harder for the black kids to register.