
Her top demographic was Fox News viewers who like Trump, and she burned all of those bridges when she decided to act like she had journalistic integrity for a few months. There’s no one left that’s interested in her.

He appears to have written six different books with that title and different subtitles.

I've never played against people online before (other than the random online system,) but at least I'm not just doing it wrong.

Is this happening? I'm putting in the tournament code, but it can't find it. My friend code is SW-0789-2613-0890, which could make this easier in the future.

I might try to show up to Mario Kart. I'm not that interested in battle, but I've been meaning to get involved with the MK8D group here for a while.

I've been getting this feeling for over a year now. It just feels like there's no way to get out of the slide into general disinformation and ignorance without something awful happening. I really hope I'm wrong, but nothing has happened to reassure me at all.

Being smart and being informed are two very different things.

I liked Home Improvement as a kid. As standard sitcom fare went, I don't think it was that bad, although I haven't watched it recently. I doubt it has aged well.

They've also developed a way to make it seem more palatable—"We're not saying we support slavery or anything, different races should just be separate!"

I agree with everything here. I think that's why the AP style guide (somewhat) confusingly calls white nationalism a form of white supremacy. Realistically, I think most white nationalists believe that the races should be separated AND that whites would then do better than the others because they are superior.

There is actually a distinction between white nationalists and white supremacists. White nationalists, while also likely to think that white people are better, usually believe in separating people of different races. So people are free to do what they want as long as they do it with their kind, white people included.

Repeat all you want. Find something similar and then we'll talk. You apparently stumble across articles discussing similar subpoenas daily, so show some of them.

Uhh, a specific and limited subpoena of information based on actual comments, at least some of which could have been construed as threats, compared with a blanket subpoena of everyone to visit a website during a month is not just "dickering over the price." That's a large and distinct difference in scope. The

You fail to see the difference between asking for the information of six specific commenters on a website, based on specific posts they made, and asking for the information of 1.3 million people?

I've never played a Sonic game. We had Nintendo systems when I was a kid. To this day, I've never played a Sega console. I'm not sure I've even played a game developed or published by Sega since they stopped making consoles.

What? It's a picture of her wearing something she chose to wear to an event. What is a courtroom-friendly picture?

Pretty sure it's Texas. People in Atlanta don't say that, although it's not really Georgia.

You could even call it a commenting… club.

Basically, this is a forum pretending to be a comment section. I don't post on forums anymore, although I used to, and it's very similar.

Why not just use Facebook commenting then? It would prevent most of us from posting, but it would provide a direct connection to the AVC's Facebook presence.