
We had a mock election in fifth grade where you had to "register" to vote beforehand and then vote during lunch on election day. Bush and Gore tied.

This is my problem with people using kids' opinions on either side. It's not any different than Democrats who share anti-Trump videos and letters from elementary school kids and say "see, even kids don't like him!" Kids that age will just repeat whatever their parents believe, or have some other nonsensical reason. I

I actually really like Sunshine and I just 100-percented it last year. The FLUDD adds an interesting dynamic and I don't understand the complaints about it. The level design is everything you would expect from a Nintendo game. The only complaint that I agree with at all is that it could have used one or two more

That wasn't a level, just a particular Shine in the harbor level.

The Decemberists four times. Nada Surf three times. Tom Petty, Ben Folds, Ra Ra Riot, twice. The Hold Steady twice-ish. The second time was an all-acoustic set of maybe five songs for an NPR show.

Saw this tonight and generally liked it. I live in Atlanta and much of the movie was shot in places I go every day. I could see my office once, I'm not sure how I missed this being filmed. The Avengers has had an entire street closed for two weeks. It's good to see a movie shot in Atlanta that also actually is set in

All of the runes are your friends, basically, because they don't run out and can allow you to take enemies out without directly engaging them.

I got through the first checkpoint of the Master Trials. My suggestion: Avoid directly fighting anything. Climb to a high point in every room (usually trees) and use ranged attacks with bombs and, if bombs won't work, arrows. The first 12 rooms aren't highly difficult, but you can get caught losing a ton of hearts

Kind of. What he said was that social security numbers aren't public information in Kansas, so they can't provide them. He's providing everything else.

Rush in 2013 was the last really good one.

Maybe I'm naive, but I think they'll be ready. It might be hard to find the SNES Classic for the holidays, but I doubt it will be as bad as the NES Classic was. It helps that it's releasing earlier (I think) than the NES Classic did.

Well, and then they could re-try him if they wanted to and keep doing that until he's unanimously found either guilty or not guilty. But I don't think they'll do that.

En banc reviews are very rare. You don't get one just by asking for it, a majority of the court has to agree to it. It will probably be denied, then they can file for cert with the Supreme Court if they want to. It's also unlikely that cert would be granted.

Unless they also get a venue change, it would still be a West Virginia jury if they go to trial. Yes, federal courts are still considered the more fair option of the two, but the jury pool is still from West Virginia.

40 years is far too long of a window of comparison on this point. Political hate usually only lasts while a politician is active or relevant, and the political environment has changed significantly in the last 40 years. For the purposes of answering whether Republicans have recently hated any Democratic white males as

Harry Reid is pretty much hated. Bill Clinton is too. Most of the Democrats who have actually been in top positions of power are hated, but really, Republicans have had a greater hold on the presidency and congressional leadership so there aren't that many examples.

That is also true. The fact remains that, as ridiculous as the pro-Handel ads were about painting him as an un-American Californian* (which are apparently synonymous), he probably didn't really represent the district.

I don't think sexism is irrelevant in either case, but it's a tough road to argue that Ossoff lost to a woman because the opposition ran sexist ads against him. Their ads were more based on portraying Ossoff as an outsider who didn't actually represent the district.

That's not really what that article says. It does note that they have generally low recidivism rates. It also points out that the number relied on by the Court was ridiculously high, but still points to a recidivism rate of potentially more than 25% over 20 years after release. They're also more likely to commit sex