
They range, but Mercedes, Audi, BMW, and whatever other ridiculous car companies people in the commercials name are considered luxury cars. You can get relatively expensive and nice Chevys, but they're a different class.

If those other cars are supposedly nicer than your cars, yes. That's why Hyundai makes a car (Genesis) that looks vaguely like a Mercedes. "Our cheap car looks like an expensive one."

It's not at all surprising to me that the AV Club crowd can't identify cars. This is like the definition of the Accord/Civic/Camry/Corolla crowd.

Glad that you learned a lesson, I assume the rest was superfluous.

I'm not speaking about the facts of this case in particular, but the military always advertises itself as creating "leaders." To me, breaking an oath when the alternative is far worse shows leadership. Following the oath no matter what that entails is the definition of following.

The conservative ideal is that money is greater than everyone else's life and health, not their own.

Your explanations are fine, but being a lawyer in an internet debate becomes much easier when you distinguish between when people are actually discussing something in a legal context and when they aren't. People aren't disagreeing with this other commenter because they don't understand the legal definition of

Yeah, the short answer is that he didn't have to offer to pay for her movie. Once he did, that's it for that money. The agreement ends at "I'll pay for your movie." That's it. The only one acting entitled to something is him, because apparently he thought paying for her movie entitled him to something more.

But whether or not he legally harassed her doesn't matter because she didn't sue him for harassment. I don't know if she will be able to get a restraining order, but whether or not his actions meet the legal requirements for that is irrelevant. The question here, for the purpose of these responses, is whether he was

Even in small claims court, yes. Most of those disputes involve property damage or landlord disputes or something that actually matters. Not "I had a bad date, pay me back."

Especially a dumb one.

I don't know if you're actually a lawyer or not, but you've been implying that you are throughout this thread and you're an embarrassment to the profession.

It has been an obvious shitshow for two years. Sure, this seems bad and maybe like something that will sink him with people who are still supporting him, but add that to the list of 37 other things you could have said the same thing about.

Couldn't you be a biological woman who identifies as a man but likes men? So you'd be a biological woman identifying as a gay man.

But if you're 100% innocent and pursue it through the courts, you're still going to get killed by people online, which in this circumstance actually matters because you're right in the middle of promoting a new album that could make or break your career. Plus, even if you win in the courts, people are still going to

If you only have 10 hearts, you're hardly way behind by not having built Tarrey Town, found Akkala Lab, or bought the house. I have like 22 hearts and I still haven't been to Hebra.

On the other hand, that's a very non-denial denial. "This doesn't reflect who he is" is not anywhere close to "this didn't happen."

You've kind of identified the biggest problem I have when trying to draw conclusions about Trump's administration. How much is actually shady and how much is just incompetence? For example, apparently Trump thought that firing Comey would be well-received by both sides because they've all had issues with him. So was

But we already did this, and then all those people voted and he won.*

Oral sex is viewed as a subservient act because it IS a subservient act. The person giving oral sex is forgoing any sexual pleasure for themselves to give sexual pleasure to the other. It is subservient whether it's a man giving to a man, a woman giving to a man, a man giving to a woman, or a woman giving to a woman.