
What most people colloquially call waterbugs ARE roaches. There's no difference.

What? Do you mean sales aren't great or do you mean Nintendo's ability to stock adequate amounts is, as always, not great? It's still not available anywhere because it sells out as soon as they get it.

He illegally installed a sculpture and is now angry that someone else installed a sculpture without asking him.

This is the idea I got too. It can be read both ways since she doesn't explain at all why she included it.

If you really want to see it, Amazon has DVD or digital versions for only $15. I think you can buy individual episodes as well.

The majority of the time is spent missing and re-loading.

She seriously got fired for this? It was like one total second.

Static also isn't much of a thing anymore. I only get static if a storm/wind cuts out my cable for a second. There's no static for the streamers, just buffering. It's like a dial tone or busy signal.

Everything is a false flag. By next week they'll probably think Trump didn't actually fire any missiles.

Why don't you work a zoo and stop bothering people?

I was at that show. The earlier taping anyway, and they took most of the recorded special from the later set. But anyway, yeah. It was good, but Aziz hasn't mastered the art of maximizing both the message and the humor. His first special maximized the humor. His third special maximized the message. The second one

I don't think this chart would look that much different for most people 50s and under, honestly. The top of it is a bunch of "trendy" companies that everyone knows are trendy. Apple, Tesla, Starbucks, Google, GoPro, Netflix, YouTube. Fucking BMW. Trendy tech companies and status symbols.

Just because that's how it's used now doesn't mean that's the only way it could ever be used. I think the reaction is an overreaction. This is how it is now and how it has always been, ISPs can't suddenly do something that they couldn't before. But I also think that the regulation would have been an improvement on the

Well yeah. And while a lot of people don't like that either, I don't think it's what they're concerned about.

But what does it come with? The console, plus a pro controller or additional JoyCons, plus Zelda gets you to $420-30 anyway.

I also think it's worth making explicit that ISPs have always been able to sell the information at issue in this bill. The rule it's superseding hadn't gone into effect yet. Essentially, it keeps the status quo. Even though I think the rule would have been better, this isn't a rollback. It's just what we've always

It's in the last sentence of the article linked to in the earlier AV Club article I replied to you with. The FCC can still block that info from being shared because it has been determined to be "sensitive" by the FTC.

Republicans argued that because Google and other search engines could sell your search history, ISPs should be able to sell your history too. And medical history is still protected.

(1) Medical history stuff is still protected under other laws. But not just general medical searches like WebMD.