
This show takes big and ambitious swings with its plots, and I could see them missing at some point. But I hope it's not this year and I hope it doesn't get canceled for just one miss.

As far as I know, you're right. There's nothing stopping the government from buying the data. So they actually have more control over it than they had before.

The corporations are! Thankfully, Comcast has always been a pleasure to work with and I know they have my best interests at heart.

Leslie Knope's worst nightmare.

How set up are we talking here? Like pre-screened set up? Or like they asked people who were actually trying to get a cab before they got in? There's a big difference there.

The way a suit looks while being worn is based entirely on how it's tailored. You can easily make a Joseph A. Bank suit look better than an Armani suit. Just do a shitty tailoring job on the Armani.

Fastball has a new album coming out next month.

Yep, it's true. His other 18 books also are based around board games coming to life. Even The Polar Express.

Zathura. It's a sequel in the sense that two kids play a board game that transports them to a different world. And they're both based on Chris van Allsburg books of the same titles.

I've never seen it either, but I have no strong feelings towards seeing it or not seeing it. I know several people who have never seen a Star Wars movie and that seems even more incomprehensible to me.

That's an accurate depiction of what most truck owners do in their free time though. Good advertising.

For the Chevy demographic?

But is that country white girl business in the front, party in the back or no? I require that of all hatchbacks and also women.

Joseph A. Bank commercial where they ask people to identify suit brands is the worst current ad of this type I can think of. And the Chevy ones are bad.

I've never taken it to be suggesting that they're random people from the street, just that they're people who maybe knew they would be taping something for money but didn't know what.

I think he's saying that white people aren't engaging with it as a black experience, they're critiquing it as if it should be in line with white experience.

His other comment confirms this interpretation of his post.

She looks at least 15 years older than she actually is in that Instagram picture. She's only 24.

His Schilling burn was even better than this one.

Blunt has recently been coming out against Trump, much like McCain. The question is whether either of them will do more than just talk.