
Jason Kander is more than just some guy's nephew… He was well-positioned to make this burn because of his relations, but he's also a politician and has growing influence as a young Democrat, even though he lost the Senate seat to Roy Blunt. This is the guy who made the viral ad putting a gun together blindfolded.

I hadn't heard the children abductees one.

Turns out that everyone who was ever in power was fucking awful no matter where they were from.

Of the first three Mario Kart games, only the Rainbow Road on Super Mario Kart is particularly difficult. The rest are just tracks. Mario Kart 64 has the Chain Chomp moving around, this is annoying, but it has walls. Double Dash has walls some places and not others, but you don't have to go slow unless you're just

The bird that steals your hat is in there too.

As someone who very rarely replays games, I prefer to focus on the first play through and the first impression. If you fall in love with a game for two weeks or a month or two months when you get it, what else can you ask from it?

They were gone by just after noon on release date and haven't been restocked since then, as far as I can tell. There are rumors of another shipment by the end of the month or early April, but with demand still very high, I'm worried that those will be gone almost immediately as well. They're going for $450 on

When I finally find a Switch, sometime in early 2018, I too will experience this game.

It's all relative. It's the best of the major national chains (Domino's, Pizza Hut, Papa John's, Little Caesar's) and the $7.99 carry out deal is as good a value as anything else in fast food.

My copy will be delivered today, but I don't have a Switch. Some day…

I will be on the lookout for one at places I normally shop and I'm signed up for an email notification from Amazon. I will get one the first time I see one or am notified, but I won't search one out. That could be Saturday or it could be May, but I'm hoping it's sooner rather than later.

But women are also historically the only ones who bring claims of sexual abuse. Men are laughed at if they claim they were sexually abused by a woman. Women are the ones who bring claims of sexual abuse, and people don't believe them about it.

I guess it's a judgment call, but what moral decision isn't? Maybe it's my law background, but our society is based on making these kinds of distinctions, both between totally different types of conduct (say, wire fraud and murder) and closely related conduct (rape v. sexual assault, or first-degree murder v.

It's impossible and often unfair to try to analyze why victims don't come forward, but given the way the recent Trump and Cosby situations played out, I would expect that others, if they exist, would come out against Affleck now that he won the Oscar and attention is being put on the accusations. Maybe they still will.

The system is largely slanted to favor perpetrators of either sex, it's just that most of the offenders are male. The side against the offender, both in a civil and criminal context, bears the burden of proving that they committed the act, and there are rarely witnesses to sexual acts. Therefore it's very hard to

This is wrong. That is a call that anyone can and should make. You're abdicating your own moral responsibility if you refuse to make distinctions between how bad one action is versus how bad another action is. You're not valuing someone's pain about the incident. You're not trying to figure out if one victim was

I think he was agreeing with you.

"The comment thread for this 2+ season old episode won't have spoilers," I told myself.

I'm for settlement. You're the one who said they shouldn't allow out-of-court settlements.

I think the best you could do is offer the parties the opportunity to go through an official arbitration/mediation process. But ultimately, I still don't see how you could actually stop the parties from reaching an independent settlement before they even do that. But if you set up that mediation process, the parties