
I think you're possibly getting confused by terminology. Maybe not, but I'll explain it anyway. Calling something "civil" or "criminal" has nothing to do with the size or importance of the case, nor does it affect the court that hears the case.

Also, like I said before, I'm not personally going after you for trying to reach a solution. I'm trying to constructively point out why I don't think what you're suggesting right now would have the results you want it to in practice.

Civil cases are not for "minor disputes." They're for every type of dispute that isn't criminal. That includes civil cases resulting from murders and any other crime. Moreover, many cases within just the categories you mentioned come down to he-said/she-said issues.

How would that help the victim? Either the judge says further action could be needed, in which case they're free to settle, or the judge says further action isn't needed, in which case the victim is basically screwed. And asking judges to make that sort of preliminary determination doesn't make a lot of sense. And

It usually makes sense to take it rather than going to trial, especially under circumstances like these. But the reasoning behind the post I replied to makes no sense. Disallowing out-of-court settlements would result in the victim getting nothing more often than not.

It's a civil case. It's not criminal. You can't force people to proceed with a civil case.

Well, getting in might, yes. The act of kicking out or not kicking out doesn't seem to. See: Bill Cosby.

If we're assuming they both did everything exactly as alleged, which we obviously are, then why are you conflating sexual harassment with rape? I've read about Affleck's alleged harassments, and they're both pretty bad. Not the type of thing someone could just explain away as hypersensitivity or whatever the latest

We also had a recorded VHS of the movie. But at least I got to watch decade-old Mac Tonight commercials.

Right-wing people seem to be more attracted to conspiracy theories in general.

That's not really what Jones does. One of my former law professors was on his show somewhat regularly, they're not really one side or the other of the traditional political spectrum. It's just conspiracies. It's the government vs. everyone else. It's Zionists vs. everyone else. It's whatever crazy idea they come up

I more meant the problem that I can't remember ever seriously being in danger of dying in any Zelda since Zelda II.

I played the GameCube version and didn't encounter this problem.

I tend to like playing games on the systems they were actually released on. I'll probably look for a GBA and play through all of the Gameboy releases on that at some point. I've never even actually finished Link's Awakening because my cartridge corrupted or something as I was about to start the last dungeon. Couldn't

1) A Link to the Past. I love playing this game, but I'm not sure if it gets the top spot because of that or because I remember watching my dad and brothers play it as a kid. Either way, a great game.
2) Wind Waker. The art style hasn't immediately dated like the other older 3D games, the use of an ocean instead of

We'll see how it works in practice. All they really needed to do to fix the problem was not put 20 hearts in every square foot of the game.

Plus, it's not like there won't be third-party maps available online or in a game guide that will tell you where things are if you really need it.

Finding and cooking food seems like it will be needlessly time-consuming and repetitive over the course of an entire game. Will there be other ways to restore health once you move on to the next stage of the game?

Trump has very high approval ratings with Republican voters.

This 👏 Is 👏 Unacceptable 👏