
And who would never actively participate in the political process without being paid. Or care about anything other than themselves.

And most of them are in safe districts or states, so there's no reason to care. Of course the people who disagree with them and won't vote for them are louder and show up more. There's not as much reason to go to a town hall if you agree with someone.

Probably fair to put them on an equal level. I don't associate Carlson with Fox News yet because he has been everywhere else already.

Hannity is the worst by far. I don't think anyone seriously disputes that, even accounting for O'Reilly. Of those listed, Wallace is probably the best, but even he is at most a moderate conservative. Kelly, for one, doesn't work there anymore, and two, was awful before she started taking on Trump.

There's a pretty good chance you'll be able to find a Switch wedged into the paint supplies aisle at your local Menards.

Why don't you save big money instead?

I went to a Kohl's that had game systems. Now that I think of it, that might be worth checking… No one goes there to buy games.

To be fair, his favorability rating with GOP voters is higher than any president ever. So yes, there are many people who do actually believe what guy is saying, whether or not he actually does.

We get to keep our soul and get paid by Soros at the same time. It's a win-win.

It really isn't and you're wrong. The most credit I can give you is to say that the relevant constitutional provisions and statutes make it a close call, it's not obviously illegal or unconstitutional. But the legal reasoning of the judges was sound and it was not "political" any more than an opposite ruling would

What about the majority who agreed that they didn't support it one week after it was passed? I didn't catch you reporting on that one.

But he would still just get rid of it the next day in an executive order.

On the other hand, waiting for something you know you're going to get is better than waiting for something you might not get anyway.

I've never been in line at midnight for something before and I won't be for this either. I've preordered Zelda and MK8, for when that's released. I'll get the Switch whenever Nintendo decides they actually want to make enough.

Mostly unrelated post, but it seems like a good place for it. Is Nintendo going to ship enough Switch consoles for the release? We're about two weeks out and it's not available for preorder anywhere. Are they just limiting preorder numbers to make sure there are enough available for retail? Or is there going to be a

Mainstream media bull crap? That's what I'm coming up with.

Judges will be fine. Your bigger concern should be the fact that they have no actual power to enforce what they say. That's where a real constitutional crisis begins.

I read an entire book about it in college, but I no longer remember what the reasons were.

I'm from St. Louis and I've never heard of Frank and Helen's. It does seem to have gotten some national attention but it's not really widely recognized.

I work for a court. I've done at least one case where an amicus brief was filed. I read it. If it had any good legal authority not cited by the parties' briefs, I used it. Otherwise it was just there. But that's basically how I use all briefs.