
I think the problem is that people don't feel like the government is really beholden to them. It's circular logic to some extent, but it's not entirely wrong. And then they also believe that a free market means that companies have to offer the best prices to be competitive, because that's what we learn in fourth grade

The economic arguments are great and all, but completely irrelevant to the legality. Those are legislative arguments. And Congress could fix this by passing a more specific immigration law, but they won't because this is what Republicans actually want. Allowing Trump to do it gives them space to blame someone else if

Just wait until you meet the rest of the country.

I continue to hope that the Trump disaster might do a little to fix this. But my dad continues on the "I ignore it because it's all dumb and doesn't matter" path currently, even though he thinks Trump is crazy.

About the title… He's not a "justice" until he gets confirmed. Appeals courts judges aren't referred to as that.

Late response, but yes. I've never once had good fries from Wendy's. They're like eating wet cardboard.

Mine has the same problem that old NES systems have, namely blowing on the cartridges.* But otherwise, my old NES and 64 both still work, although I did have to replace my SNES with a refurbished one.

My only concern at this point is not whether I'm going to buy it, but whether there will be enough units shipped to buy it on the release date. I would buy a Nintendo console solely for Zelda, Mario, and Mario Kart, plus whatever other titles interested me. I don't have a Wii or WiiU (I was in school at the time,) but

Okkervil River albums are usually about 1/3rd songs I love and 2/4ths songs I skip, with the remainder being ok. Away was 2/9ths songs I listen to and 7/9ths songs I skip.

He eats her right out… of episode IX.

I don't have a problem with this. They've said she plays a larger role in VIII than she did in VII. I don't see any way they could make IX without her character at all. She is the only one who should ever be that character. I wouldn't see it as disrespectful, I would see it as respecting what her and her character

Plus the supervisor also wants to do very little while still getting paid, as long as THEIR supervisor thinks they're working.

At best, he didn't recognize that the reporter had an actual disability, which is almost impossible to believe in itself. And even if that was the case, you then apologize for mocking his disability and re-focus on whatever substantive issue you had with what he did. It's so goddamn simple.

I don't even know what you're trying to say here. He's talking about why he likes to watch college games. Why would the focus of that comment be what the coaches of the teams have to do to prepare? He's writing about bowl games as entertainment. He finds the visibly different strategies more interesting than the more

Obviously. But I'm fairly sure he meant visible differences for fans, like between a triple option and a spread or something. The differences in the NFL are way more nuanced and most fans don't see them.

That was my point.

The looks that they give are, but you have to know what you're looking at and pay close attention because they're intended to look the same so the other team can't figure it out. It's not like the triple option compared to a standard shotgun spread compared to a pistol, all of which are visibly and obviously

That doesn't mean the strategies aren't more diverse. They are. You're just able to use more different strategies effectively because of what you just said. And that means obviously different strategies, there are plenty of differences in the NFL, you just have to really know what you're looking at.

I also love bowl games, but I draw the line at allowing teams that are under .500 (with the exception of teams that went 6-7 and played a game at Hawaii). I would be fine if every team that's 6-6 or better made a bowl, with one team left out at most if there's an off number. I understand that it's not possible to

He was way less crazy early in his run on HLN than he was once he got on Fox. I'm not sure his instability is an act. He's just actually unstable.